Sedona AZ (September 4, 2014) – The following is a letter to the editor:
Dear Friends and Loyal Volunteers,
For those of you who have not yet heard the good news, Ty Montgomery, Corrie Cooperman and Diane Schoen will not be challenged for their seats on the SFD Governing Board!
Because there is no opposition, the Yavapai County Board of Supervisors will officially notify Chief Kazian and the Elections Department will remove SFD’s Special District portion from the November 4, 2014, General Election ballot – saving our Fire District ALL election expense. So, there is NO need for a campaign.
After the November general election, our three incumbents will be duly sworn and will serve their full four-year terms. All campaign contributions received will be returned – IN FULL – to every contributor supporting our cause.
On behalf of Ty Montgomery, Corrie Cooperman and Diane Schoen, thank you SO much for the time and effort you have already provided and of course, for your expressions of readiness to volunteer in whatever capacity you could, if and when it became necessary.
No campaign would be successful without the unwavering will to serve you have consistently demonstrated. Your steadfast support defines the word “community” and every member of the re-election committees sincerely thanks you.
In celebration,
Wendy Tanzer, Treasurer Committees to Re-Elect Ty, Corrie and Diane
Funny, I see SFD meeting minutes posted regularly but never saw anything about openings or an election for the SFD board. Mission accomplished!
Appointing is a favorite past time on these money making boards in Yavapai County. Sometimes goes on for 20 years without anyone catching on.
They probably printed the notice in Yuma or on the Yavapai website which 1% of the population knows about.
Hasn’t the same thing been going on with the School Board? When is the last time we had an election for those people???