Home » City Council, Community » Sedona Council Fails Smart Meter Agenda

Sedona Council Fails Smart Meter Agenda

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock pens an opinion that the Sedona City Council failed its voters on the smart meter issue. The February 20 city hall council chambers meeting room was standing room only with concerned Sedona voters. Residents complained of parking 1/2 mile away only to discover overflow crowds outside the building prevented attending or hearing the proceedings inside.

Sedona AZ (February 21, 2014) SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock discusses the February 20 Sedona City Council Special Meeting on Smart Meters:

Date: 2/20/2014 5:30:48 PM

To: radams@ci.sedona.az.us; MDinunzio@ci.sedona.az.us; MWard@ci.sedona.az.us; DMcIlroy@ci.sedona.az.us; JMartinez@ci.sedona.az.us; JWilliamson@ci.sedona.az.us; BLitrell@ci.sedona.az.us

Cc: ternster@ci.sedona.az.us; Mike Goimarac; Nancy Baer; Warren Woodward; monnie@ramsell.net


Mayor Adams and Members of the Sedona City Council:

First of all, thank you very much for having today’s Special City Council Meeting (02/20/14) and especially to the organizers of Sedona Smart Meter Awareness and Council Members Barbara Litrell and Dan McIlroy. Without the concerted efforts of these dedicated people it would not have happened.

Two things, however, were disturbing:  First the matter of a potential $100,000 (estimated high end) for outside legal assistance. Viewing this meeting in the comfort of my own home I could react without being chastised by Mayor Adams and his gavel. (Interesting that at the victory Council Meeting for the Chamber of Commerce, the rallying troops were not scolded for their rounds of applause throughout the meeting. Wasn’t that in July of last year? Maybe October? Perhaps both.)

Acknowledging Councilman Mike Ward was excused from this meeting, consistently this same body of seven people (Sedona City Council) over and over again approve additional funding to you-know-who. The Chamber of Commerce to begin with, not to mention how much for Barb’s Park? One million plus or minus? And what about the $13,000 to rent the ice skating rink? How much is constantly being spent for other outside consultants of various natures? Surely amounts to well over $100,000.

City Council Smart Meter meeting draws unexpectedly large crowd overwhelmingly in opposition to to APS citywide installation of meters

Sedona City Council Smart Meter meeting is attended by unexpectedly large crowd overwhelmingly expressing opposition to APS citywide installation of meters. Photo credit Donna Solomon – SedonaEye.com

The $100,000 contingency fund line item added to the budget last year of course primarily went to the C of C ($80,000) in addition to the $25,000 cash + $5,000 in-kind for Holiday Central. Then the recent $9,000 cash + $5,000 in-kind for the Sedona Marathon. And of course the ongoing controversial million plus funding to C & C for the Destination Marketing Contract. All of this in addition to their more than half-million allocation from the City’s current fiscal budget. To my knowledge none of the rather sizable large amounts have ever been held accountable for even close to anything resembling substantial evidence to indicate return on the dollar, if any indeed does exist.

We aren’t even through the month of February and the Chamber and Lodging Council is soliciting the City to purchase the ADOT property at the “Y” to facilitate THEIR needs. And, yes, they are begging for future funding for the next Holiday Central event before the next Mayor and City Council election, August and November.

But now you have an opportunity to represent very concerned citizens for a very real reason that stands to truly represent an effort to show you do care about health, safety, and welfare not only for the incorporated population but, as you agree, this is a concern for surrounding communities as well.

Interestingly enough you suggest soliciting funding to assist with legal counsel from those other concerned localities, and yet you have no problem in allowing City revenue to be spent for regional marketing via the Chamber of Commerce without even attempting to seek shared funding from those communities who will also benefit from Destination Marketing but do not contribute to City of Sedona tax base. Of course, if the City is actually endorsing the Chamber to work behind the scenes at City expense to attain legitimate regional status, then that’s even worse.

Bottom line. Stop discriminating. Stand up to the mission at hand and cut “wasted” spending for other wish-list items to benefit special interests. The fact is, “Smart Meter Free Sedona, Arizona” at the moment is your best marketing tool and no way will the Chamber of Commerce be able to claim fame to that achievement. And don’t think they won’t try to do so if by some miracle Sedona is able to attain the Arizona Gold Medal for winning this one-of-a-kind prize, possibly coveted worldwide.

The OPINIONS expressed herein are my own.

Eddie Maddock
For the best in Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!

For the best in Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!


  1. The VOC is NOT run by the Big Park Council.Big Park Council has no money.

    The VOC/Big Park is run by Yavapai County Supervisor Chip Davis.

  2. @Eddie,

    For a year now, your analyses of most all city issues have been extraordinarily succinct, not to mention well-researched, and singularly well written. This one, though, is your best yet. You not only drove the point home, but you drove a stake into Council’s spendthrift heart. Recall yesterday that the Mayor, with the concurrence of all but a somewhat courageous Barbara Litrell, expressed his concern over the necessity not to mismanage the expenditure of public funds. And now, in this article, you called his hand. An accommodating habitat we made for those homely little coots at the Wetlands Preserve apparently constituted a better management of our communal funds that spending money to fight a ferocious carcinogen in our midst. Keep laying it to them Eddie! You’re our city’s best at it and we must never let Council think they are smarter, more courageous, and more moral than our public.

  3. Based on Sedona Parks & Rec. Director Rachel Murdoch’s declaration that there is nothing else like this in the Verde Valley, here’s yet another “regional gift” from Sedona City taxes. Lovely as this is for our children, think about the added traffic it will be bringing into Sedona without really much hope that these people will add much in the way of reimbursing the dwindling Sedona bankroll. Most of these people will probably bring their picnic baskets from home.

    Regular Business, Item b.

    “AB 1722 Discussion/possible action regarding approval of award of construction contract for the Sunset
    Park Splashpad and Shade Structure Project in the amount of $269,188.10.”

  4. R Walter says:

    Great article Eddie,

    I guess the message is stop spending the money unless it’s for the well being of the Citizens of Sedona. The tax money does not belong to the City Government but to the City Citizens period. Thank You for being.

  5. Tom says:

    Land stewardship eliminates a Splash Pad. Sedona has no extra water to frivolously allow watering a DESERT – the Verde is precariously low as is Oak Creek. You do remember City Council and Parks and Recreation that Sunset Park is DESERT? Not many miles from us in California with NO WATER TO GROW FOOD. Three years of drought and you don’t get it? The Feds just said NO WATER for CA farmers. There are more than enough pools available for locals and tourists in Sedona and most if not all are under-utilized. There is no need for this frivolous expenditure. A shade structure built simply and well will cost less than $50K! There is no need to run water to the shade structure because people don’t stay that long outdoors in 100 plus weather even with shade and in the midst of the city there is plenty of potable water! What staff member is getting these atrociously “padded” proposals and bids? Get a grip, Council. Discernment ends at your council table, it doesn’t begin there. The word you are looking for is no.

  6. So, does the City believe that if Barbara Antonsen was still in our midst, that she would reject the City from spending whatever is necessary to protect our children, families, flora and fauna from dangerous and harmful wireless transmissions, or would she be pleased that so much money has been spent on her memory?

  7. @Tom

    Sadly a magnificent old shade tree was chopped down months ago in preparation for the forthcoming “splashpad.” Honest! Standing side by side with a complete stranger, another woman walking her dog, together we, yes, tearfully shook our heads in shock and shame at those responsible for such disregard to our natural resources.

  8. dana varney says:

    Beautiful Eddy, You really hit every nail on the head. I really enjoyed this one.

    I recently received a letter-revenue report from David Keeber of the Chamber of cmmerce taking credit for all the tax revenue their Sedona marathon brought to the City of Sedona. They would like our imput on ramming it through Kachina again next year.

    I in turn requested all computations and accounting explaining how they arrived at those numbers. The event was funded by the City of Sedona.

    Today I received an automated response stating ” I will be away from desk Feb 19 through March11, 2014.” I beleive their on another one of those good will trips.You know where the chamber makes all the arrangements. I believe this is where she wears her travel agency hat. I’d like to look at those numbers too.

  9. Let me ask you this…..

    I was wondering what you all would say if the city spent $500k or more to fight the fight and we lost? After watching the live stream last night about Smart Meters, it seems that those council people knew a bit more about the legal challenges other city’s have faced. So, would everybody feel OK with that or would there be a bunch of people who would then beat down the doors at city hall shouting that those council people wasted money when they knew it was a loosing battle. Considering that this is Sedona, there’s always someone that can find a reason to bitch.

  10. julie says:

    @food for thought City council throws money down a hole all the time. They don’t blink while doing it. Reread this article.

    Biggest loser = chamber (lodging council)
    Biggest whiner = missy jennifer chamber
    biggest spenders-chamber (lodging council)

    Get rid of the cancers. Watch the council meetings. get real!

    Great article Thank you!

  11. Bawling says:

    To Eddie, had I been in the park that day watching a perfectly healthy tree be cut down I would be standing with the two of You bawling My eyes out. Where did the idea of a ‘splashpad’ come from? It must be part of the new community plan, and they’re just getting a jump on it.

    As I remember there was a very nice pool at the community center that has now been filled in and landscaped, because the funds weren’t there for the up keep. Our pool at Posse Grounds is always closed way before the summer heat has subsided because we’re told the City can’t afford to keep it going longer. Our existing city dog park has not been resurfaced for almost four years, and instead is being filled in with large rocks in the gullies. No money or lack of concern? Wonder if the ‘splashpad’ will go the same way, and in the mean time the tree will be gone forever.

    BTW ‘Food for Thought’, You sound exactly like one particular council member we know. Just saying.

  12. You wrote: I was wondering what you all would say if the city spent $500k or more to fight the fight and we lost?

    I write: We would say less than we do about a City/Chamber that cannot account for the millions of our money it spends.

    At least we would have been fighting for everyone’s health and welfare instead of a few tin cup passers and special interest groups.

  13. Marge says:

    Either this city council and staff aren’t aware or have forgotten that the former Red Rock Fantasy, hosted by ILX/Los Abrigados, charged for admission. It was a contest for the best light display created by entrants (mostly from Phoenix I believe) and “paying patrons” were given a ballot to vote their choice for the best display. The city did not finance the event. Period. Now Jen and Steve want city to recreate a commercial event for free?

    Sedona thinks of nothing to bring in revenue. Only creating more freebies. Build it and they will come. So will indebtedness for the city which means the residents. Makes no sense but then those of us who elect these foolish folks seem to be brainless as well. At least that’s what THEY think because we continue to tolerate this nonsense.

  14. Hank S says:

    It’s extremely questionable that our City can or should “afford” Barbara’s Park, buying property on Brewer Road or at the Y – just like City (WE) shouldn’t afford a “Splash Park” when we continue to lag behind on fixing basic needs of residents.

    City Council and management need to start thinking like it was “Their Money” they are spending – bet the spending practices would change instantly!!

    Just do basic Health Safety and Welfare issues such as Drainage and Roads!

    If Sedona really wants to be a trend setter and not allow Smart Meters – then when do we get real on how to use what precious water we have at our disposal? Doesn’t City Code favor low water usage landscaping plants?

    Wouldn’t it cost a lot less to encourage parents to buy a sprinkler head to attach to a garden hose and let their kids play in it periodically?

  15. I read the comments above.

    I am shocked into disbelief that the city would have begun construction prior to a public vetting of the splash pad proposal. It’s a stupid idea. There I said it.

    It’s so stupid that it is laughable!

    Now reading about the filled in community pool and inability to keep the PG pool open for its season is abysmal. Who knew this on council and staff and still proceeded with this ridiculous idea? Fund PG pool to remain open with your largess!

    Something has run amok at city hall. Trim the sails of employees and outrageously ignorant parceling of city taxpayers money.

    Let’s reduce the number to five one of which is an elected mayor on Council. That’s a do-able starting point. Let’s get the chamber funding on a ballot – that’s a do-able point.

    We need small town governance like our neighbors including Flagstaff. And we need to cut the Chamber and City Hall strings. Let both stand on their own fiscal budget.

    And to that fellow who rants about disincorporation. Please be quiet because you are your own worst enemy. Thank you.

  16. VOC Bob says:

    Why didn’t VOCA homeowner associations send out flyers or a post a note to each house with simple Opt Out instructions? The only place I’ve ever read anything about smart meters is here..Thank you Sedona Eye because you keep us informed! Every single homeowner group has a secretary that could’ve handled it. Poor organizational skills again evidenced by VOCA. Nobody around here knows how to organize more than a wine and cheese party but then they’re always BYOB.

  17. Betsy says:

    Hey Tom O’Halleran where is your angry voice saying no? Where is Barry’s Oak Creek Watershed on this splash park idea? Where does Keep Sedona Beautiful stand on it? Where is the Sierra Club? All of you stomp and point but never DO anything except react when it’s too late. Where are the Friends of the Red Rocks? Bring back the good old days when you worked together for the best of Sedona instead of yourselves. Shame on you all.

  18. Dear SedonaEye.com,

    Are you ready for some good news? Two Northeast Utilities’ subsidiaries, NSTAR Electric and Western Massachusetts Electric Company, have broken ranks and admitted that “There is no rational basis for the implementation of AMI [smart meters]”…

    The context: there is bullying, coercion and bribery – of up to hundreds of millions per utility – for utilities to be complicit in this massive global scam intending to demolish individual rights. But even so, you can’t buy everyone – especially those with intentions other than taking the money (and rights) and running.

    Thank you for being awake and aware (it’s spreading!) — and as my colleague Richard Grove says, for growing in the light direction.

    Josh del Sol
    Producer & Director,
    Take Back Your Power

  19. ——-Original Message——-

    From: Eddie Maddock
    Date: 2/23/2014 4:42:00 PM
    To: radams@ci.sedona.az.us; MDinunzio@ci.sedona.az.us; MWard@ci.sedona.az.us; BLitrell@ci.sedona.az.us; JMartinez@ci.sedona.az.us; DMcIlroy@ci.sedona.az.us; JWilliamson@ci.sedona.az.us
    Cc: Mike Goimarac; ternster@ci.sedona.az.us; KDaines@ci.sedona.az.us
    Subject: Fw: COUNCIL MEETING 2/25/14

    BREWER ROAD PROPERTY: Referring to an e-mail to the Sedona City Council from Councilman Mike Ward, copy of which was sent to me, how can the Mayor and remaining Council Members justify finalizing the city’s purchase of this property? The offer on the table is substantially over appraisal. The city has no means of funding proposed improvements except for feeble maybe/might/if questionable future offers to “partnership” are presented. Even though funding is specifically earmarked for vacant land purchase, please don’t be reckless and vote approval of another ill conceived decision based on off beam reasons.


    According to Parks & Recreation Director Rachel Murdoch the facility will be the only one in the Verde Valley. Therefore future popularity of the park stands to increase by leaps and bounds. How does the city intend to:

    Mitigate increased traffic, especially in West Sedona?
    Facilitate increased parking which during peak usage already extends to overflow illegally onto Sunset Drive.
    Compensate for what presumably will result in shortage of picnic tables and perhaps even rest room facilities?

    Once these decisions have been made and put into motion, there’s no going back. Kindly refer to past mistakes on less than one mile of SR89A in uptown. How many more “White Elephants” can Sedona afford, now and in the future?

    Respectfully submitted,

    Eddie S. Maddock
    Sedona Registered Voter

  20. OK, not one person noticed that your city CUT DOWN A SEVERAL HUNDRED YEAR OLD SHADE TREE to PUT UP A SHADE? In the middle of all that wide open space desert land they had to cut down that tree? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to work in conjunction with nature and keep the tree? DUH?

    Bet you never visited Cottonwood’s indoor facility?

    OK, here’s another one. It’s not the only splash park around Parks & Rec. And we received the same lit from the same splash park proponents that you did….but we know it’s an idea not for a desert with dwindling water resources. Splash parks work where there’s excess water and sunshine and yooo hooo Sedona, that isn’t you. You aren’t San Diego. You aren’t Florida. You aren’t LA. You aren’t the Jersey Shore. You aren’t Miami. You aren’t Galveston. Want more? You aren’t Cabo. You aren’t…get it yet? It’s a small small world after all.

    Sedona is the land of woo hoos. Bet you make your own water, don’t you? Poor delusional Sedona.

  21. I mean it. I love you.

    On another note about beauty, nature and environment:


  22. Sally says:

    If the city council should by some miracle decide against the splashpad then maybe in remembrance of the chopped down tree they could erect the suggested statue of Hero R. Factor, the ham radio lover, in case a selection has already been made for Schnebly roundabout. It seems our decision makers obviously prefer man-made products over gifts of nature? Just sayin’.

  23. @VOC BOB
    You need to go to your streets and do it yourself. You still have time.
    Lots of people in VOCA are doing just that.

    Send me your email at
    ucreatechanges@yahoo.com and I will send you a readymade flyer tailored for the VOC.
    I covered three streets, it does not take long and I was thrilled to meet neighbors I had never met in 6 years.
    Its a win ,win.

  24. Sharlett says:

    So, MARRY ME, JOSH? Did EXPOSURES GALLERY get a City Permit to chop down trees? Or did they just chop their way to only getting better exposure?

    That’s all they (Exposures Gallery) are about and have the biggest mass and distraction called art “advertising” outside their building and use it as “advertising” – which should not be permitted…. did they follow city ordinances or just mark their territory?

    OR do they just use the Arts aspect as a “motherhood in apple pie scenario”?…….and only to their advantage – and they somehow believe they are outside the limits on City Ord of ADVERTISING…just like so many other business’s have ignored city regulations…..hell there is no level of control by the City and we now look like Vegas or Nogales.

    Since their business is art……they and too many others think it is un-touchable – does this mean that Toco Bell can place statutes of artistic toco’s on their property?……..or Lisa Dahl can fill her flower gardens with life like food artistic sculptures? Hardly think so.

    Yet another area of ordinances that has been blown out to our detriment and not enforced.

    I thought we (City) had a compliance officer who was supposed to check the legality of all stuff and signs on all properties. Looks like we don’t and the City just doesn’t give a damn. I call it MOD = Method of Dumbshits.

  25. Treehugger says:

    Trees being cut down in Sedona???? Remember how we tried to prevent the tree from being eliminated around Tlaquepaque? How could Sustainable Arizona let this happen on their watch? It would appear those people are not watching!

  26. R Walter says:

    DISINCORPORATE, DISINCORPORATE ,DISINCORPERATE SEDONA. Any reasons why not disincorporate that do not have a hidden monetary agenda?

  27. Pat says:

    Sustainable Arizona? Note to Treehugger –remember who bangs tin cups at the City’s money funding faucet. There’s your answer!! Sierra Club – KSB – Sustainable AZ – Water protectors – Red Rock Friends – Oak Creek C. are all corrupted. There’s no incentive to turn off the faucet.

  28. FREE EMF seminar Thursday, Feb. 27th 2014 at 11am Sedona time

    APS will be installing Smart Meters in Sedona. For those who wants to learn more about the health effects of EMF and what to do about it.

    Lloyd Burrell became electrosensitive in 2002. He suffered for years, in fact until 3 years ago he was still suffering. His body became highly receptive to the ever present electromagnetic fields in our environment to such an extent that his life became a living hell. The symptoms; a constant headache, joint pains, his ears ached and eyesight deteriorated as well as developing high blood pressure and experiencing a constant state of fatigue. The good news is that he got better.

    Interviews with EMF experts – electrical engineer, scientific researcher and author Alasdair Philips.

    There are 2 ways you can attend:

    1. Via telephone. Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 and secondary dial in number: (904) 900-6992
    Full list of dial in Numbers: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/?eventid=52097313
    Then you key in 490380#.

    2. Via the web. http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=52097313. On the left it says “Listen in”, click on that. That leads you to a page where you can choose to just listen or you can listen & talk using your Skype.
    It’s a good idea to get on the call early because even if you only want to listen without asking a question places are limited.

    There’s still time to send me your questions in advance from this page http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=52097313

  29. Andy says:

    Big surprise. Unanimous vote approved splash pad. (Mike Ward absent from meeting again.) Of course, it was impressive that contributions from outside sources have helped fund this project but how much will that mean to future maintenance and the resulting increase in local Sedona traffic from all of Verde Valley.

    Can’t wait for overflow parking on Shelby Rd. Right now it’s almost impossible to travel there without risking a head-on collision. So much for good planning.

    So sad too bad for the demise of SMART METERS in Sedona. Guess you (smart meters) really are properly named since you outsmarted financial assistance to help get rid of you.

  30. R Walter says:

    Today a customer came in to my business. I asked if she had voted on the new community plan. Her response was yes, I just mailed it in and I voted yes. I asked why she voted that way and she said because the City had spent a lot of time and money on it and nobody spoke up against it. The problem is she does not live in the City of Sedona. She moved years ago and still retains her Sedona PO Box, therefore still receives a ballot in the mail.

    It is my belief that their a lot of stories like this one. There are a lot of outside influences at work here. Many people are voting on city issues that do not live in the city of Sedona.

  31. @Andy Even taking into consideration outside contributions the city OKs thousands of $$$ for this splash pad but balks at the suggestion for legal defense funding to keep Sedona Smart Meter free? Not to mention the additional $$$s given to Chamber of Commerce for unaccountable returns if any.

    Oh well, maybe it’s a good thing. Let the kiddies enjoy their childhood because their life spans might very well be cut short when some of the alleged environmentalists and drafters of the revised Community Plan who are defending Smart Meters have their way.

    Thank you, City Council, for really astute priorities.

    Go figure.

  32. Tom Bergen says:

    @ A Joke…

    You do realize that private supports have already pledged over $60K in cash to help build the water park for the kids? But then again, kids around town have so much to do in this city that they really don’t need one more thing to entertain them, do they?

  33. @Tom Bergen Can’t you read? I already acknowledged outside contributions helped to fund the park. Further, since when did it become the responsibility of tax payers to provide things for kids to do when they aren’t in school? What has happened to the concept that maybe, just maybe, that should go along with the job of parenting? The point of my comment however had to do with reckless decisions by city council: Smart Meters versus Splash Pad and wasted money to Chamber of Commerce. They decided on your preference, so what’s your beef?

  34. I am curious how many children actually live in the City? I raised my son here and found the majority of children lived outside the City limits at that time.

    The schools are not governed or funded by the City but by the county. Property taxes are what fund them. Yes the property owners pay property tax. That is where our Schools and Fire Department gets their funds.

    Does anyone know? (Amount of children living within the Sedona City limits) I like to see a breakdown of the ages. Then some real RIO and calculations could be made. This make more sense to me.

    I also found tons of things for him to do. We have sports, summer programs at the schools that included swimming, drama, reading, field trips. The Humane Society of Sedona has a fabulous summer program for children ( highly recommend) along with other Non’profits. The Sedona Art Center has some great programs also. My Son really loved Civil Air Patrol which operates all year long up at the Sedona Airport. Then we have all the other items such as hiking, swimming, biking, etc. I am sure there are many more now.

    FYI- We proudly paid or contributed to all the things he did and never expected anything for free.

    We are in the desert, in a drought, and are supposed to be environmental friendly. I don’t think providing a splash pad for small children is the answer. Back when I was a kid we did neighbor slip and slide, and ran through the sprinklers. Our parents paid for the water and babysat us.

    Which make me wonder about the babysitters for the new splash pad, along with liability insurance. This website, SedonaEye really brings things to the table. Thank you.

  35. Marge says:

    @Tom Bergen.
    Don’t you understand that this city government is promoting the splash pad for the ENTIRE VERDE VALLEY?

    You seem to have answers for everything else Mr. Bergen so why do these arrogant power mongers think their charge is for that expanded area? Don’t complain when you are unable to find a spot on the two state hiways into Sedona because of the added traffic headed to Chump Town for the free ride.

    Oh wait, the thought just popped up. Do you just happen to reside outside city limits? Is that why you are so eager for maybe your own kiddies to jump on the free gravy train?

    Where’s your concern about the dangers from Smart Meters? Why don’t you jump off your “entitlement bandwagon” and instead spend time passing out the petitions being offered on this website,

  36. Tom Bergen says:


    Have you even seen the proposed site plan?
    You do realize that this is a rather small “water park”?
    Do you realize that it’s designed for small kids, like under 12?

    I don’t know that it’s being “advertised” throughout the “entire” Verde Valley?
    Now, I may be wrong but, this is a free park so why would the city need to advertise it anywhere? There would be no financial benefit to do that.

    As for where I live, that would be Windsong.

    Smartmeters, read the other blogs, you’ll find that I hate them also.

  37. Jean says:

    In addition to the high offer on the BREWER ROAD PROPERTY, the tab to rid its three buildings of asbestos and to bring them up to code is almost $1 million. Taking this into consideration, the actual cost of the property looks to be over $1.6 million.

    The funds to bring the Brewer Road property up to code will come from the City’s operating budget, right along with the approximately $1,200,000 the Chamber of Commerce CEO wrongfully feels is her next year’s $$$ entitlement.

    The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 reveals the City’s non-WW expenditures over revenues were in the red by ($1,470,182) last year.

    Our spendthrift City Council must get a grip on reality!

  38. Marge says:

    @Tom Bergen

    The word I used was “promoting” not “advertising” all over the Verde Valley. Therefore, your attempt at a direct quote is invalid.

    Watch last week’s City Council meeting and listen to Rachel Murdoch, head of Parks & Recreation, and you will hear from the horse’s mouth the hype about it being for all of Verde Valley. Of course. Isn’t Ms. Murdoch a resident of Cottonwood? How convenient for her and her children.

  39. Mary S. says:

    Unless I missed it, none of the above comments referenced Rob Adams (Sedona Mayor) cutting the public speeches by one minute. Really!

    He allowed all the speakers at the Chamber of Commerce meeting about that 55% bed tax kickback the usual three minutes. Also at the meetings about Commissions vs. Citizen Engagement. In fact, I’ve never observed that rude treatment before at any meeting. It was discourteous to all speakers and especially those who traveled into Sedona for this meeting. Even from Phoenix and Prescott, with their carefully written three minute comments only to be told to shut up after two minutes. It cut the meeting’s length by maybe 15 or 20 minutes.

    Shame on this type of rude discrimination. It’s clear the majority of this city council is only interested in spending money on nonsense and expensive projects like multi-million $$$ parks, creek walks, water wasting splash pads, blah, blah, blah. Serious consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of the voting residents apparently aren’t words included in their vocabularies. Or maybe it’s just the interpretation that’s askew?

  40. Julie says:

    @Mary yes I noticed that. You are correct the Major and Council give special favors to “special groups”
    KICK BACK bed tax! Great wording. Most places would not permit. Illegal in some parts of country.
    This Major & Council have it backwards. They do discriminate against those they are suppose to represent. Rude is a perfect word. Rude to us, bending over backwards for those outside the city.

  41. Roger says:

    Is anyone aware of a reason besides greed for money (Chamber of Commerce) and lust for power (City Council AND Chamber of Commerce) the purpose of turning Sedona into something other than what it is? A while back, and I believe it was on Sedona Eye, someone used a catchy phrase, something like “City of Sedona, Animated by Corruption.” Doesn’t that appear to become more appropriate as each day passes?

  42. N. Baer says:

    @Mary S – Thank you for you sharing your observation. The more neighbors we can inform about the issue of the “smart” meter harmful and dangerous emissions and convince to”opt out” for everyone’s sake, the louder and more persistent our voices can be.Please sure to add your name, if you haven’t already to the petition to Ban Smart Meters in Sedona,http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/ban-smart-meters-in-sedona-arizona.html Thank you!

  43. Here is what I do when speaking publicly. I write a three minute speech . I recite it and time it.
    Then, I go back to the speech and edit out one minute that will still get the point across. I circle the one minute of dispensible words. I am ready for that time cut, no problem!!! The County does that when there are a lot of people to speak, this way, they can have a few more speakers.

    It does throw you off if your not expecting it, that was how I learned to do this. It works. No pressure

  44. Sharlett says:

    Has anyone heard the news on Friday (3/7/14) from either channel 5 or 12 about the State wide “Water Shortage” and how “All counties in Arizona have been declared a Natural Disaster Area”???

    Did you hear that Williams is in “Dire Straits” with only a 5 month supply of water? And Kingman has stopped any building permits – all due to lack of water. Water restrictions were discussed for many communities – which all makes sense in one of the largest droughts experienced…and let us not forget the growing fields of our veggies in California.

    Now, please switch gears to the City of Sedona: where our staff and Council just approved a Water Pad Park – which I now call a “Spit Park” – as when you spit into the wind it evaporates and doesn’t come back to benefit the person that spit.

    Hummmmm – what in hell is our elected not getting? All Counties, according to the news, and in Arizona, are in a Natural Disaster Area regarding drought and lack of water – yet our elected and equally or more important Parks gal Rachael – want a water pad (spit pad)???

    OMG folks – time to stop the myopic nepotism which seems to run rampant with city and Rachael and then where the buck stops: City Council must find a handle on getting back to basics instead of wasting money and water.

  45. M. Jones says:

    That question got me curious about here in Cottonwood because in the valley there’s many a reason you don’t see lots of water parks when everybody would want one! There’s the link for you.

    Wasn’t that state park park up there shut down when the water got contaminated because it wasn’t flowing? How’s your water conditions any better this year with this drought?

    Your town manager might want to hear from this outsider but we won’t drive all the way to Sedona & never for a water park & we live on your side of town. We’ve got an indoor rec center that’s nice & cheap & we’ve a neighborhood pool? My wife says to say she & neighbors wouldn’t bother hooking a hose outside for kids because they’d be back whining about it being too hot in 3 minutes and we’ll save our gas & energy & water & misery. She doubts people from here would be interested because its not worth the drive when we have what we need here.

    Most of us don’t go to Sedona because it’s expensive & wouldn’t bring kids if we did. Why don’t you plant cactus gardens with statues like the valley does? That’s pretty for tourists.


    Mark Jones, Cottonwood

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