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J.D. Hayworth – Candidate U.S. Senate – Arizona – Republican

SEDONA AZ— “I am running because a lot of people asked me to run,” said J.D. Hayworth. “They wanted consistently conservative representation in the Senate. It all comes down to ABC– amnesty, bail outs and Cap and Trade. Cap and Trade is a wrong-headed solution to a nonexistent problem.”

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate J.D. Hayworth doesn’t pull punches in his criticism of incumbent U.S. Senator John McCain (AZ-R). “McCain is in this for a “lie and buy” strategy. He thinks he can lie about my record and buy this Primary. He knows he cannot defend his record and it cannot get him elected. So I guess that brings us to D in the ABC–D is for dollars, desperation and defeat. I think McCain can be defeated Tuesday.” said Hayworth.

Hayworth stated that he has always been a supporter of SB1070 and claims to have written the Enforcement First Act which SB1070 was modeled upon.

Hayworth has never supported amnesty in any way and said that “illegal immigration is a financial drain on the state.”

“It is amazing that here we are ten years after 9/11 and Washington and or rather Obama, Napolitano, and McCain see it as a political problem to be managed rather than an invasion that must be stopped, a financial threat,” said candidate Hayworth. “It governs our fiscal policy in terms of entitlements, health care and education and everything touches this whole topic and this whole issue. After twenty-eight years McCain says now he gets it. You will see a change next Tuesday. That is why we are poised to pull an upset of historic proportions.”

As to military matters, candidate Hayworth believes we need to review our entire military strategy and force allocation.  He wants to see the rules of engagement changed in Afghanistan so that American forces can fight and win. Winning is defined as routing out Al Queda and not nation building with clear definable objectives that allow the military to fight and win. Said Hayworth, “McCain wants to tweak the rules of engagement. They don’t need to be tweaked, they need to be changed so the troops can win.”

Republican candidate Hayworth added, “McCain has enabled Obama.”  Hayworth gave three examples of his position that Arizona U.S. Senator John McCain’s enabled President Obama as follows; holding up a critical vote on troop funding, over-enhanced interrogation tactics, and McCain’s support for closing Gitmo which opened the door to allow United States courts rather than military tribunals for prisoners.

As to trade policy, Hayworth was one of the few who opposed Most Favored Nation Status with China. He will only support free trade when it makes sense to America and is a fair contract. The Chinese Most Favored Nation Status requires the Chinese government to own fifty-one percent (51%) of any factory or company within China, and any company dealing with China must sign over rights to all of their technical trade secrets and intellectual property. 

Said Hayworth, “It doesn’t matter if it is a chicken leg from KFC or how packages are tracked by Fed Ex, the Chinese take advantage in every instance. I do not believe in handing over our sovereign power to any other country.I support building plants in Central America as an example so that people there have good jobs at home. But that is not the situation we have with a nation like China. Trade needs to be on a case by case basis and it should benefit America.”

Continuing Hayworth said, “It is time to have a U.S. Senator for Arizona, not just from Arizona. There are solutions that have worked, but the Obama administration has put us on the path to financial ruin. One, cut spending; two, cut taxes. When I return to Washington that is what we will follow. We don’t need to micromanage from DC, we need to get out of the way and let people keep more of their own money. Recovery is defined as the creation of jobs but government doesn’t create jobs, people do. Put more money in their pockets and we will put the people of the nation on the path to economic prosperity.”

For more information, go to, http://www.jdforsenate.com/

Article written by Joni Dahlstrom, sedonaeye.com Staff Writer   JoniD@eSedona.net   Sedona Times Publishing Election Central   c2010

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