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A Good Time Was Had by All

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (February 25, 2015) – As a concerned citizen I exercised my right to send an e-mail to the Sedona City Council members explaining my concerns about the following agenda item on the City Council meeting held Tuesday, February 24, 2015:

AB 1896 Presentation/discussion/possible direction regarding the Sedona Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau (SCoc&TB) tourism promotion efforts during the first six months of the new contractual agreement between the City and the SCoC&TB, and an analysis by City staff of sales tax generation between visitor and resident spending.

——-Original Message——-

From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 2/23/2015 1:32:16 PM
To: SMoriarty@sedonaaz.gov;  mdinunzio@sedonaaz.gov;  John Martinez;  Jon Thompson;  ALefevre@sedonaaz.gov;  SJablow@sedonaaz.gov;  Jessica Williamson
Cc: Karen Daines;  Audree Juhlin

TO: Sedona Mayor and Members of the City Council

This is simply to present another side of the coin. As you are all aware, Sedona has many problems to be resolved that would much better serve the lodging council and community in general as an alternative to contracting for Destination Marketing.

For example, the traffic in Sedona the past few weekends has been horrific. Gridlock, to be specific. If those funds were used to purchase property for parking, relocate to an official Sedona Visitor’s Center in West Sedona, or use even if only as a temporary measure to establish parking at the Brewer Road Property . . . all would serve the community, tourists, and economy in general if for no other reason than people would be interested in return visits to Sedona.

Mr. Segner fails to acknowledge that national economy has been on an upswing, gasoline prices, although slightly on the rise again, have been at an all time low, the Super Bowl in Arizona drew in thousands of tourists, severe inclimate weather on the east coast versus seasonally mild in our own area during this time of year . . . how can these plausible reasons not have accounted for an undetermined upswing in tax revenue? Also, has payment of past delinquent taxes been accounted for?

The professional recently hired by the City to advise on economic development said, in his own words, that Chamber of Commerce companionship with city/towns should be exclusively to benefit and promote members and economy within the area providing the taxes. You are well aware that your current policy is in breach of that premise.

Please, revise your thinking and unchain yourself from a bad situation that remains unproven for doing much of anything except causing community bad blood and possibly increasing membership to a Chamber of Commerce representing the region or even businesses in other states besides Arizona


Eddie S. Maddock
Sedona Registered Voter

sedona city view

Sedona AZ

Dear Sedona Lodging Council:

PLEASE ATTEND:  The Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau will be presenting our mid-term report to City Council on Tuesday, February 24th at 4:30pm.   Be there!  (Sorry, I am out of town that night and won’t be in attendance.)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR!  Next meeting March 10th at 8:30am at Sound Bites.  Agenda coming soon.

Also, we are working up a Letter to the Editor to send to the media/press in support of the Bed Tax renewal coming up.  Here’s our draft:

Dear City Council

This letter is in support of the Bed Tax and use of funds by the City and Chamber of Commerce. 

The City of Sedona recently reported that during the month of December 2014, total bed and sales taxes collected rose 24.2% over the same month of the previous year. Given that the hotels in Sedona have experienced unprecedented growth in the last 6 months of the year despite the canyon fires in late May and June and the closures at Oak Creek.  January and February of this year will also be way ahead of the last year. This is all due in no small part to the City and Chamber’s off-season advertising campaign being a great success.  

Karen Daines, the Assistant City Manager, was recently quoted as saying, “Technically we added some general fund dollars last year to cover the loss of the bed tax to the general fund, but moving forward we are considering that the entire amount comes from the bed tax.”
That means only bed tax revenues are going back into advertising and supporting the visitor’s center, going to where they are originally intended-to serve and promote the active and thriving economies development spurred by Sedona Lodging Council Members and Sedona Chamber of Commerce.

Steve Segner,
Sedona Lodging Council

* * * * * * * * * * * *

question mark 4Much to my surprise, a gentleman by the name of Pete Sanders, a resident of Oak Creek Canyon, spoke before the Council and made reference to “a letter” which very much indicated it was the e-mail I had sent to the City Council. He made adamant objections, especially to my suggestion that Sedona considers their own Visitors Center, the same as Flagstaff, Prescott, Cottonwood and other municipalities. Clearly it appeared Mr. Sanders had been furnished my communication with the City Council and because I had not received even one reply from a member of the City Council, I sent the following e-mail to City Manager Karen Daines and Community Development Director Audree Juhlin who had been cc’d with my e-mail to the Council:

——-Original Message——-

From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 2/25/2015 11:27:43 AM
To: Karen Daines;  Audree Juhlin

Hi Karen & Audree:

This is sent to both of you not only as Sedona city staff members but also because the two of you in the past have always expressed support in my efforts to disseminate factual information.

Realizing that all written material going to City Hall is immediately public information, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when almost point by point, word for word, most (if not all) of the contents of my e-mail to City Council, cc’d to you, was ripped to shreds by denial and really, at times, very lame justification for why it shouldn’t have been applicable.

Of course, maybe that’s part of your job, to make council members look good (or bad as the case may be).

However, the resident of Oak Creek Canyon who blatantly trashed “the person’s letter that suggested a real Sedona City Visitor Center” was about one of the lowest points of any city council meeting I’ve observed since the days of incorporation.

To think he was blatant enough to further suggest that if the city were to provide their own “real” legitimate visitor center he would be denied representation as a business owner because he wasn’t eligible to vote in Sedona elections. Really? At some point it would have been refreshing (if for no other reason than to be polite) to remind him that of course as long as he remained a member of the regional chamber of commerce he would be appropriately represented as a member of that special interest group, for they would not close their doors if the city were to open another visitor information center, strategically located at the other end of town, which would also assist in alleviating uptown traffic congestion. And it would serve well as representation to the “Western Gateway” into our incorporated city, in compliance with the newly revised Community Plan.

Further (and I don’t believe he made mention of where his business is located) but if it is within city limits then surely he must have a business license and as such would, indeed, have representation in the obviously obsolete notion for the City of Sedona to ever have their own legitimate visitor center.

question mark 4Lingering questions:  Why did Sedona incorporate in the first place and why is it that State Statutes continue to be ignored? Why the determination to discriminate against city limit businesses in favor of those who do not collect city taxes? Why ignore the advice from your professional speaking on economic development when he clearly defined the responsibility of a chamber of commerce as being to first represent their own members, but most assuredly if partnered with a city or town, specifically those that collect taxes within the designated area?

Mortified, disgusted, and very much aware of the extent and determination of the bullying beasties hell bent to allow this city to be controlled by a “regional” chamber of commerce is putting it mildly. Sedona most assuredly did not incorporate for that purpose and, of all people, Sandy Moriarity should be aware of it.

By all means, feel free to share this with Jennifer, Steve, and the gang to make their “day after” as much fun as they had at the meeting. You can all take pleasure in knowing your strategy worked, at least to some degree. But as the saying goes, “It ain’t over til the fat lady sings” and one day, when you least expect it and probably after I’m long gone, it will happen. It’s called “karma.”


* * * * * * * * * * *

City Manager Karen Daines notified me with reassurance that neither she nor Audree Juhlin had shared my e-mail with anyone because to their knowledge they had not received the copy I had sent. Therefore, I resent the City Council e-mail to them with the following message:

——-Original Message——-

From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 2/25/2015 7:03:04 PM
To: Karen Daines
Cc: Audree Juhlin

Hi Karen:

This is the letter to which I referred in my previous e-mail to you and Audree. I’m surprised you didn’t receive it because I cc’d both of you. Maybe this will clarify the other e-mail I sent.

Thank you for your response and I want you to know that always I’ve respected the two of you for your intelligence, integrity, and patience to serve different members of an ever-changing city council. Of course that’s over and above your cooperation to deal with my many pesky questions of which you have cooperated to make my life easier.

Clearly this e-mail was circulated by one of the Council Members, and from the comments I inadvertently heard when the microphone was mistakenly turned on at today’s council meeting, it could have been any one of them. (subject of another e-mail I cc’d both of you I do believe)

Under no circumstances is it my intention to accuse or blame you for anything. All I seek are answers to questions and more often than not lately that seems to be mission impossible.

My respect and admiration for both of you remains at maximum and good luck with serving as Interim City Manager. A job I do not envy.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

boy computerNow for the kicker – grand finale of this most recent series of e-mails, the one to which I made reference in my communication to Karen Daines:

——-Original Message——-

From: Eddie Maddock
Date: 2/25/2015 3:44:17 PM
To: John Martinez
Cc: Jon Thompson;  ALefevre@sedonaaz.gov;  SJablow@sedonaaz.gov;  Karen Daines;  Audree Juhlin;  Sedona Sweet Arts;  Mike Goimarac
Subject: FYI

February 25, 2015
3:30 PM

Hi John:

When I tuned into Channel 4 to view this afternoon’s city council workshop, apparently you weren’t aware the microphones were turned on prior to when the meeting began.
It was really disappointing and shocking to me, John, to hear you say something to the affect you all must do something about “Eddie Maddock and Donna Joy.” Although muffled, it appeared others were in agreement.

Just what exactly gives you cause to make such an accusation? And to think the State of Arizona was in pursuit of changing the Open Meeting Law? Obviously there’s no need in Sedona since apparently it doesn’t exist.
For your further information and I speak only for myself, I’m an independent agent and work alone. However and apparently unlike others, I do try very hard to keep an open mind and maintain some semblance of understanding, compassion, and respect for views different from my own.
Another curious discussion was under way about just who all was going to ride someplace together tomorrow?
Not that it matters, but maybe it’s time for all of you to look in the mirror and be pointing your fingers in a different direction. Passing judgment and making accusations without merit can be a dangerous game, although it appears likely that more and more at least a few are heading in that direction.
Wow! Forgive me for feeling sick to my stomach.
Hope you reach a consensus about how to deal with the two “alleged” Sedona evil-doers.
Better yet, I hope you never have anything worse to deal with the rest of your lives.
Eddie S. Maddock
Sedona Resident since March 31, 1977

* * * * * * * * * * * *
The above e-mail was sent with a request for a receipt, as I did with the fourteen e-mails I sent to Arizona State Senators. Seven of them acknowledged receipt of my e-mail. So far the only reply I’ve had is from Jon Thompson:


This was very upsetting to read. I can only hope there is a logical explanation for what you heard that leads to a different, benign conclusion. But in any case I want you to know that I certainly did not hear anything said about you or Donna at that time and would not have participated in or condoned any such discussion.


* * * * * * * * * * * *

Aopen closednd so you have it, another few thousand words about the ongoing saga of the mystery of how a little town of 10,000, more or less, has ended up with such complicated government and the unanswered question of the determination to allow it to be ruled at the whim of a regional Chamber of Commerce under the direction of a Lodging Council?

One might wonder if a deal had been cut prior to the approval of the increased bed tax?

Oh, and for the record, two Council Members will drive themselves and the remaining five will be riding together to the Intergovernmental Meeting in Clarkdale late Thursday afternoon.

A quorum?

Arizona Open Meeting Law, where art thou?

For the best Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!

For the best Arizona news and views, read www.SedonaEye.com daily!


  1. anonymous says:

    Sorry and very disappointed that the city government remains the same corrupt!

    Great information Eddie. Thanks for speaking up! I would but they would hurt my business.

  2. Barbara says:

    Open mikes are a boon to the populace, ask Pres. Obama when he spoke to Putin. And countless others right down to our City Council.

    Eddie Maddock is reasonable and interesting and that’s why I read what she writes. I may not always agree, but then Eddie seems to expect that and isn’t on a me, me, me soapbox. What is the reason the Council has a difficult time understanding that knowledge is important and not to be stamped out? What purpose do they serve if not the best interests of the citizens? I admire Councilor Thompson’s statement. He earned my respect and vote as an honest and decent man. Six more on the Council need to find integrity.

  3. Doug says:

    speak out anonymous screw the (deleted by editor)

  4. For the record, with the exception of Councilman Jon Thompson, all of the e-mails in my article were those written by myself. Also, none of the members of the Sedona City Council responded to any of them.

    Now then, after my article was submitted I received an e-mail from a member of the City Council explicitly pointing out that it (the e-mail from the council person) was sent only to me and not the (blank) world.

    And why is it unacceptable for me to send my own e-mails to anyone I jolly well please, including the Editor of Sedona Eye at the discretion of the Publisher whether or not they appear on the publication’s web site? Further, the e-mail to me from the council member (who shall remain nameless) did confirm what I heard as reported in one of my own e-mails was true, also acknowledging I was not privy to the entire conversation. Also true. Enough said.

    Furthermore, my reason for sharing was to alert others that differing viewpoints submitted in writing can very well be used against you, as a tool to inform and assist strategic maneuvers by the opposition to take you down. Simple as that. No pity party here. Just more facts to be disputed.

  5. Don’t you all get it? Wasn’t the deal made w/the lodging council before it ever went to council vote? Wasn’t that the only way they could get them to agree to the increased bed tax if they got the contract for advertising? Isn’t that why there’s no way out but to defend the absurd dog an pony show on an endless display? Isn’t that another violation of the Open Meeting Law? To negotiate deals outside public meetings?

    Those who might be collecting info for the AG’s office, this list continues to grow. Maddock might just be correct. Karma could be closer than expected. Deal with the devil and no price to pay? We’ll see.

    Keep up the exposure. Many are being betrayed but must we live in fear forever? Maybe not . . .

  6. Holy Cow says:

    Do you suppose any of this questionable activity has anything to do with why the city is advertising for a new attorney?

    Like as in if the kitchen gets too hot it’s time to skedaddle? In Sedona, the most beautiful place on earth according to some people?

    But of course not. Say what?

    (check city web site)


  7. WOW says:

    @Holy Cow = Thanks for the info. And the attorney want ad was posted on 2/26? Just yesterday? Is it true there wasn’t even one person that applied for the job of director of economic development or something?

    C of C has done one heck of a job promoting Sedona as a good place to work. Even with the high salaries and great benefits seems people are smart enough to shun working for council people so weird. Too much of the time they don’t listen to advice from employees anyhow. It isn’t just in-city businesses and residents they dump on. Wow!

  8. Dear Eddie,

    I always hesitate to stray from my topic of choice but will offer you this statement on your topic.

    So you know, I answered your questions and hopefully addressed some of your concerns in the “Time to showcase a cleaner Verde Valley” post earlier today.

    If the “trash talking” on this topic was dumped on the highway, we would have a much larger trash issue.

    On your topic I have an opinion and a background but I’m taking the cowards way out since this issue is like a dog running in a circle chasing its tail…. all the dog sees is its own tail.

    As with many issues, follow the money and the true answer to the questions will be revealed.

    Whether I agree with you or not keep at it!

    Highway litter issues are much easier to deal with ….. I’ll stick with that.

    Gary Chamberlain
    “America the Beautiful & BagReadyJobs”
    Empowering our nation’s youth

  9. Matt says:

    “For example, the traffic in Sedona the past few weekends has been horrific. Gridlock, to be specific.”

    Very interesting… I thought the 179 Roundabouts we’re going to resolve Sedona’s traffic issues!!! Where are the pro roundabout folks now???

  10. Pete says:

    @Gary Chamberlain writes “As with many issues, follow the money and the true answer to the questions will be revealed.” And Mrs. Maddock mentioned something about “Karma.” How about deju vu?

    Does anyone else remember when the developer of Mystic Hills offered to pre-pay the city for sewer hookups? Of course an offer too good to be turned down by the then seated council. $$$$$$ Well guess what, by the time Mystic Hills was up and running and properties were actually ripe for sewer connection, the city had run out of capacity!

    And what happened? Well Mystic Hills sewed the city, won their case, and all that money pre-paid to the city figuratively speaking went down the drain. Well, not exactly. In that case literally speaking is more appropriate.

    Moral of story: If the city reneged on the deal they made with the Lodging Council and Chamber of Commerce, seems logical they, too, would turn around and sue the socks off the city even though the deal was probably illegal and in violation of the Open Meeting Law to begin with. What’s unfortunate is that those individuals responsible for such foolish decisions can’t be personally held liable. (IMO)

  11. JeanJ says:

    Very interesting about the City Attorney not sticking around to endure the disaster.

    Now Chief Kazian is saying the SFD is moving its current 911 services to the City of Cottonwood, indicating the move will mean the elimination of up to ten positions in Sedona.

    Great news that the recession ended over five years ago, yet commercial vacancies still abound. Some Sedona businesses closing their doors since just last November: Napa Auto Parts, Red Rock Rentals, Sedona Photo Express, Shugrues, Thrifty Mountain Supply and Well Red Coyote. I brought this situation to the attention of the City Council in my email about the 2/24/15 Presentation and Discussion regarding the Regional Chamber of Commerce/Lodging Council. Par for the course, my concerns were ignored. Lack of competitiveness and the high cost of living in Sedona didn’t warrant consideration or even acknowledgment.

  12. Eddie your insights and comments are profoundly accurate. As a business owner in the tourism sector and a former member of the Sedona Chamber, you made many points that resonate well with me. Having been a tourism member for over three years, having rack cards at the Uptown Visitors Center, and even taking the volunteer staff on complimentary tours, NONE of my efforts resulted in any business referrals. Interestingly, in a recent chamber email, Pink Jeep Tours of was not only given accolades but also photo mention for having been so kind to take the volunteers from the visitors center on a complimentary tour. Now why would a $20 million company get honorable mention? Your comments gave me that insight. Because they pay big taxes to the city based on their sales volume. It’s sad that small businesses like my own are left out in the cold when we deserve the same equal representation as the big guys. The fact of the matter is that Jennifer and the chamber as a whole is so crooked, in my professional opinion they are a disservice to our beloved community. They may as well as be on the direct payroll of Shawn Wendell. It’s sad that the level of corruption we see in our government on a federal level has trickled down to our small community.

    Even Steve Segner himself is above the law simply because he has deep pockets and can throw money around to manipulate the system to best suit his interests. Case in point: he lives on a forest road adjacent to the Old Thompson Homestead. (1) By law forest roads must be open to the public. His road is gated and the forest service does nothing. (2) The Old Thompson Homestead outbuildings are on forest service land and are of historical value, yet he uses them as a chicken coop and storage. How is this allowed? (3) Munds Spring is on public forest service land and open to public use, yet he has taken ownership of the spring and drives locals away who attempt to access it through what he claims to be “his” property, yet in reality it is forest service land. And he is a prominent business owner, representing the Sedona Lodging Council.

    What I’m learning is simply that anyone with power has unscrupulous behavior. It’s sad but true.

  13. ESM says:

    @Matt. As a Broken Arrow Vista resident for the past 38 years, I can attest that if we still had a traffic light at the “Y” traffic back-up would be even worse. At least traffic keeps moving with roundabouts, even if at just a crawl. At one time it wasn’t all that uncommon to wait for the traffic light to change four or five times before traffic moved at all.

    For example, leaving my home on Sunday afternoon (Feb. 15) to attend the Sinfonietta concert in West Sedona it was possible to enter SR179 quite comfortably. Traffic was backed up almost to Morgan Road. Much to my surprise, after going through the roundabout at Schnebly Hill Road, traffic for some reason had disbursed and I cleared the “Y” in less than 10 minutes from Morgan Road. Of course, to my knowledge there were no special events at Tlaquepaque on that Sunday. Traffic from the “Y” going west was moderate and I arrived at the concert at a church on Dry Creek Road well ahead of schedule.

    However, sitting next to some people from the VOC, they opted to travel to Sedona via Beaver Head Flat Rd., Cornville, and Page Springs because on Saturday it was taking up to 40 minutes to even reach Morgan Road from the Village.

    Because the City has the option to spend discriminatory tax money on things that would really benefit the tourist industry and, God forbid, residents as well, it just seems unreasonable for them to continue thumbing their noses and insisting that attempts to bring in even more traffic is a better idea.

    It remains my own opinion that the lust for those additional bed tax dollars (the Green Eyed Monster) caused them all to take leave of their senses. If the only way they could get the Lodging Council to agree to the increased bed tax was to promise them the Destination Marketing Contract, then without considering the consequences of attracting even more traffic, destination travellers or not, that’s exactly what happened.

    One last thought. During the film festival traffic in West Sedona has, at times, been excessive. I had to wait for the light at Coffee Pot to change three times during one trip out. Fortunately during installation of the controversial lights I figured out a way to go from Dry Creek Road all the way to Soldier Pass and bypass W89A entirely. Obviously that’s the route I took back to Morgan Road.

    The problem doesn’t seem to lie within the solution of traffic lights versus roundabouts. Clearly there are just too darn many cars, mostly on weekends, and no place to park. On three-day Holiday weekends the traffic is always backed up from the “Y” going to uptown, and returning from Flagstaff to Sedona via Oak Creek Canyon – forget it! Traffic continues to move through the “Y” roundabout going west really quite comfortably most of the time. Honest!

  14. Susan says:

    Hey this was interesting, and I for one never knew emails to city council were made public!! To hear someone say mean things is wrong & a public apology is reasonable. Come on city council, why are you acting this way?

  15. Matt…”I thought the 179 Roundabouts we’re going to resolve Sedona’s traffic issues!!! ” Please provide a link/documentation where this was ever pointed out by anyone who was in a position to say. I followed the road planning & construction for all of the years it occurred and never heard such a statement. You may not like the roundabouts, but that is no reason to make outlandish statements about them to support your dislike.

  16. Steve segner says:

    The residents of sedona vote with the wallets, that is how the system works business will come and they will go. How many business have opened in the last year? One, two ten, you do not know, you just fall back on oh poor sedona,
    This year over $ 20,000,000 in new money will flow through sedona and that will go to business that have a product or service that locals and visitors want. Jean call the city and see just how many city permits have been issued, I am sure it is more then the six you listed as going out of business.
    Jean, you ask the city to do somthing, they did and it is working according to the report by the city At last council meeting.

  17. Jim, VOC says:

    I like the roundabouts and appreciate the roundabouts. Traffic lights are idiotic, like late at night when you’re one or one of two cars traveling in Sedona or VOC. Thank you ADOT.

  18. Audrey says:

    it’s the morons that can’t drive that delay getting around them and back up traffic

  19. You all like to blame people for what ever the reason how about these thoughts:

    Those that don’t like traffic, blame the people who stopped the second lane on 179.

    Stores close up in any city not just Sedona; I mean lets be honest, we all know that Shugrues was taking a dive ever since Shugrues sold the place to the cook who mismanaged the place and forgot how to cook. After all, how many times can the Help walk out before the customers(me) realize that something is wrong and won’t go back.

    Napa Auto Parts had family problems and closed it down. IMO Having the paint store there is a big improvement from when it was by Hawkins.

    Red Rock Rentals (not the real name) went corporate and didn’t have enough business, I know because I called their home office to complain and that’s what I was told.

    Sedona Photo Express, I mean really, this is a no brainier WHO USES FILM ANYMORE well perhaps JeanJ and EJM. Why do you think that the old owner Steve DeVol sold it way back when, he saw the handwriting on the wall.

    You can play the blame game all you want. This town is run by sales and bed tax, you all just don’t like it. The City is doing what they are supposed to do, bring in more sales and bed tax so they don’t have to impose a property tax.

    Hay remember JeanJ, it is now a proven fact that the tourists pay more tax then us residents. You just want to go back to the “golden days” with dirt roads and hitching posts. Get a life or run for office.

  20. Bob, Sedona says:

    Not sure deep pockets matter in Sedona, it’s a good ole boys network and that’s not all bad, is it? If Steve keeps a gate closed he gets to keep it closed because probably nobody cares otherwise he’d be forced to leave it open. There’s been controversies about gates around here for generations and am unsure whether that is above the law or being downtrod by the law. Does it need to be open? Sometimes it can be stupid to leave it open, right? Who wants government getting in their business when it’s not needed? Not me, bet not you. It’s a good city, not perfect. We all love it, it can be better. Business can be better, not sure Chamber does much to make it better, but it’s something.

  21. Ed says:


    You make good points about Shugrues. Many of us belonging to the breakfast groups knew the writing was on the wall. It was a shame but the location would only manage with exceptional food quality and service.

    Don’t know about the other places. Did know that flower store on 89A in west Sedona was battling high taxes, less traffic, and city interference according to many former customers, some using them for 25 years. There are many instances where both sides have good points to be considered. It’s welcome here and no other place in town except during our breakfast meetings.

  22. This is all very disturbing. When we moved to Sedona three years ago as newly retirees we had no idea we would not be welcome by city elected officials.

    One thing this city does right is post their meeting agendas on the city web site and telecast their meetings. When we reviewed the meeting of Jan. 28 about planning for economic development we were stunned that too many retirees in Sedona headed the list of things most disliked.

    We have reviewed that meeting several times to make sure we heard what we heard. Also that we saw what we thought we saw for fear our 60+ year old eyesight was failing us. None of those seated behind that highfalutin dais appear to be spring chickens to us.

    Then came the matter of the professional hired to make a special presentation, Larry Harmer was his name. It seems for almost a year no one has applied for the position of economic development director so this gentleman served as pinch hitter for the time being. He was very good, but the Council is shunning his advice about the role of giving so much power to a chamber of commerce to promote businesses outside city limits that do not collect city taxes.

    Little wonder businesses don’t stay. Same as us, we don’t want to live where we are unwanted and unappreciated. We are presently researching other places where we will feel welcome to spend our life savings and be favorably accepted. Sedona does not deserve us.

  23. If you didn’t know in the Village because you haven’t driven around lately, the outlets have lost another major chain anchor, Jones of NY, and a local consignment Red Rock Resales. You may want to know that Red Rock Resales is moving back to city limits. They had relocated to the outlets from another west side city location. Look for RR Resales next to Bashas the man said at the store. The Gap is the only main store left in the outlets, a shoe store and lingerie outlet.

  24. CW, AZ says:

    What? Sedona makes some deal with the Chamber of Commerce for some kind of contract for Destination Marketing for tourists that might stay several days and which will promote hotels outside the city that don’t collect the tax if the Sedona Lodging Council agrees to raise the bed tax? Then, to boot, your Sedona City Council agreed on the bed tax increase for the ad contract all before it went to vote in a public meeting? All of this to hopefully bring in tourists to stay for many days which it will probably take just to get to Sedona because of clogged traffic?

    What are they doing? Practicing Sen. Sylvia Allen’s proposed SB1435 which advocated legalizing such slick tricks and then taking a public vote just to formally seal the deal? Are your illustrious Sedona Council Members unaware that Sen. Allen’s bill died before it saw daylight?

    And now I read that the Sedona City Council hates retired people? Am I sensing some kind of anomaly here?

    Joyce and David, there are many fine places in the Phoenix area that welcome seniors, and in this neck of the woods it means anyone fifty years and well beyond. Sedona definitely does not deserve you!

  25. Oh Really says:

    @Ellie, Village

    The loss of Jones NY is the direct result of our “regional” CoC. If you don’t believe me ask Eddie Maddock. She blames the “regional” COC for everything.

  26. Norma says:

    @oh really that is not what @Ellie or Eddie Maddock said. We all can read for ourselves.

    Abuse is control blatant disrespect and hurtful words.

    Follow the money.

    Speak up people. Strength is in numbers. Sedona was formed and is ruled by bullies. Unacceptable.

    By keeping the door closed you have nowhere to go. Open your doors make a change. Speak up. Thank you Mrs. Maddock for leading the way.

  27. @Oh Really

    That seems to be an issue on this site when some people ASSUME that if a place closes that there’s always an underlining reason and like to blame the city or CoC and they never bother to get the facts.

    You do remember what they say when you ASSUME anything, right?????

    Facts make it a lot harder to twist bs story’s to fit your personal agenda.

  28. “Oh Really” you are mistaken. I do not blame the “regional” Chamber of Commerce “for everything.” Like all non-profits, the C of C accommodates their designated purpose, to serve their members. What I do question is the wisdom of members of a City Council to squander so much money to selectively promote ANY non-profit.

    At a recent council meeting, Karen Daines pointed out to the City Council that their prioritized capital projects had reached a million dollars, cautioning “that’s a lot of money.” And why isn’t it a lot of money when it’s so frivolously doled out to the Chamber?

    Under state law “the proceeds of any increase above the existing discriminatory transaction privilege tax shall be used exclusively by the city or town for the promotion of tourism.” Therefore, and for example, if that $1.2 (or $1.3) million were redirected to facilitate parking, providing a City of Sedona Visitor Center in West Sedona to relieve congested traffic uptown, or many other amenities that would provide tourists a more pleasant experience when they visit Sedona, it could very well return more on the investment by way of “word of mouth” advertising. Many surveys have reflected that as being the most effective form of promotion.

    And that, exactly, is how Sedona was “discovered” in the first place. Afterward came the Chamber of Commerce to provide information relating to climate, weather, schools, businesses, various statistics, etc.

    Obviously from the moment the increased bed tax was approved we had City Council members with their back against the wall to fund the C of C without benefit of competitive bidding for the advertising contract. Even if that had occurred, it would not serve in any way to alleviate the dire need for more parking and a host of other amenities to improve the quality of life for tourists. Based on the recent top of Council’s dislike list as being “too many retirees” we already know they don’t give a hoot about the quality of life for residents.

    So, “Oh Really,” kindly refrain from making statements of which you are completely uninformed. What I do question is the wisdom of a City Council that would approve anything that serves to discriminate against those in-city businesses that collect sales and bed taxes. Using different wording, economic development expert and consultant Larry Harmer recently said the same thing.

  29. Char says:

    Hey Ellie,
    The outlets are in bad shape. I’ve meet people here that didn’t know Tuesday Morning moved in. Heard they were leaving maybe.

  30. Pete says:

    It is not the city’s job to market the businesses. The chamber sold that to the olde boy council. The chamber takes credit for every sales tax dollar the city gets. By doing that they also get credit for the business failures. Regional Chamber stop pretending you created Sedona, go back to being a chamber. Stop telling the city what to do.

  31. Oh Really says:

    @Eddie Maddock

    I’m more informed then you’ll admit. How about you kindly stop passing off your opinions as fact. Now, you are very much untitled to your opinion but you have a habit confusing people fact vs your opinion. A disclaimer from you would be nice.

    Such as:

    “we had City Council members with their back against the wall to fund the C of C without benefit of competitive bidding for the advertising contract.” Their back wasn’t against the wall. They had vision and understood that you can’t put out an RFP when a project in Sedona was never done before. Perhaps after the 3 years are up and a “standard” is set an RFP can be sent out. The problem is that you and DJV HATE the CoC because they won’t let DJV put her ad cards in a dumb rack.

    “it would not serve in any way to alleviate the dire need for more parking and a host of other amenities to improve the quality of life for tourists” That again is your opinion because you don’t know if the money given to the CoC would be enough to solve the traffic of parking problem.

    You are well known in this town for questioning the “wisdom” of council folks everyday of the week. But you are entitled to all of your questions, it’s your right.

  32. Scott says:

    @ohreally you know cards in a rack? @Pete good point man oy & Miss Bee deserves apples ===== she’s like my grade 3 teacher & love that woman’s memory may she rest in peace today.

  33. Rumors says:

    Gossip and rumors are a crime against all. Physically and spiritually. It is also a form of bullying.

  34. And just where did you get the information “They had vision and understood that you can’t put out an RFP when a project in Sedona was never done before” @Oh Really?

    It seems to me that notices for RFP’s are frequently published by the City. Examples: New drainage projects and road work? Installation of splash pad? Posse Grounds Pavilion (Barbara’s Park)? New projects at Wastewater Treatment Plant?

    To my recollection during the discussions about the Contract for Destination Marketing RFP’s indeed were discussed. When was it mentioned that RFP’s couldn’t be put out “when a project in Sedona was never done before?” Do you, by chance, mean that a project cannot go out for RFP’s if a deal was made prior to it going public at a Council Meeting?

    Isn’t it true that provision for a 30-day cancellation is included in the Destination Marketing Contract the City has with the Chamber of Commerce?

    Anyhow, thanks for reading my input and, especially, for your courteous gesture: “You are well known in this town for questioning the “wisdom” of council folks everyday of the week. But you are entitled to all of your questions, it’s your right.”

  35. sharlett says:

    Suggest all you doubters of Eddie’s words should re-think and re-check……because she always does her homework and quotes correctly. Sorry if you don’t like her quotes or factual information.

    Yet @ Rumors -“Gossip and rumors are a crime against all.” is the REAL Bully tactic!

    Seems odd and really rather laughable to me that when the truth (you don’t want to hear) hits you in the middle of your forehead – you just use all your efforts to ignore, deflect,bash, change the topic of conversation and diminish a point of view you don’t like…………and in doing so attempt to make yourselves the oracles.

    In my humble opinion, Eddie is vigilant to all City issues. She is honest in her methods of wanting all our citizens to really see and understand the workings of our City…….. and not “pretending to be an oracle”…all she does is her homework with open eyes and ears……she give us what she sees……you? You seem to spin everything to your un-educated pockets!

  36. Joshua says:

    none of this really matters anyway. the operative word in the remark from Oh Really was “vision.” this council’s vision is to allow the chamber of commerce to continue to control the city. that will include getting rid of retirees and gifting the chamber with 100% of the bed tax money. then they will add city property tax, bonding, and whatever else they can get away with to drive us all out including the tourists who will only discover a city trashed after the past and present council and their ugly visions. these thoughts are my opinion (DUH).

  37. Right On says:

    Right on, Joshua! The message sent in this article is that council members do not reply to e-mails – do not want input from residents, especially retirees.

    They ask the chamber’s opinion about everything. The chamber is more important than city staff. No wonder so many people think the chamber is Sedona government. Because it is!

  38. steve segner says:

    Jean J said:

    Great news that the recession ended over five years ago, yet commercial vacancies still abound. Some Sedona businesses closing their doors since just last November: Napa Auto Parts, Red Rock Rentals, Sedona Photo Express, Shugrues, Thrifty Mountain Supply and Well Red Coyote. I brought this situation to the attention of the City Council in my email about the 2/24/15 Presentation and Discussion regarding the Regional Chamber of Commerce/Lodging Council. Par for the course, my concerns were ignored. Lack of competitiveness and the high cost of living in Sedona didn’t warrant consideration or even acknowledgment.109 applications as of today.

    I asked in my last post how many New business have applied for city permits . No answer, well as of today the number is 106….
    I know you do not like facts, you just like to make statement , and hope no one checks. Business is up, tax income is up. Bed tax is up and the town is full, and we have 106 new business opening. So now you can just bitch about how full the town is. Oh ya,
    the city council is spending over $1,000,000 on visitor funding so I guess they heard you.
    steve segner

  39. Norma says:

    City licenses are required for anyone doing any business in the City limits. This includes nonprofits, companies that deliver in Sedona such as Home Depot. The Chamber of Commerce falls into this category as they are a 501c6- trade organization. Licenses are also required for those selling items at a show or festival that sells ware. The unit of measure is not how many licenses but how many vacancies are in the commercially zoned areas. Most cities utilize their business license program to monitor the business activity, business trends, and retention. All businesses provide a asset to the city even if they don’t collect sales tax. Home Businesses are generally permitted or licensed in most cities.

  40. Sean says:

    Appreciate the insight.

  41. steve segner says:

    106 is a big number, and that is for seven months, t shows people want to open business in Sedona
    The Melting point on 89 an opened
    The Hideaway on 179 re opened larger and new owners
    31 flavors on 89a
    4 new off road centers on 189 and 89a
    Red rock Jeep open new location
    New health food store on 89a
    Sedona Rouge 30 new rooms
    New Marriott hotel Approved
    $2,900,000 increases in direct spending on hotel rooms and that is not counting the visitor spending around town during their stay.
    We are on track to have S7, 000,000 in new hotel bookings in 2014/2015.
    Shill I keep going?
    The reason I keep reminding you of the numbers is because they are real
    Unlike most of the comment on the Blog.

  42. steve Segner says:

    106 is a big number, and that is for seven months, it shows people want to open business in Sedona
    The Melting point on 89 an opened
    The Hideaway on 179 re opened larger and with new owners
    31 flavors on 89a
    4 new off road centers on 189 and 89a
    Red rock Jeep open new location
    New health food store on 89a
    Sedona Rouge 30 new rooms
    New Marriott hotel Approved
    $2,900,000 increases in direct spending on hotel rooms and that is not counting the visitor spending around town during their stay.
    We are on track to have S7, 000,000 in new hotel bookings in 2014/2015.
    Shill I keep going?
    The reason I keep reminding you of the numbers is because they are real
    Unlike most of the comment on the Blog.

  43. Norma says:

    “shill” you? Apples to apples. Your “shilling” exsisting businesses, ones that sold and changed the name, along with ones that are not open. I guess that is what happens when you “shill” BTW where is “189”?

  44. HOW COME? says:

    How come Steve Segner gets “double” billing? Don’t tell us the Chamber now owns Sedona Eye. (just kidding, I hope) :-)

  45. steve Segner says:

    Sorry, Norma, not a good answer
    Melting Pot cost hundreds of thousands of dollars so did the Hideaway
    the 31 flavors thousands same for the NEW off road office on 179
    you answer all my remarks with Allies to Apples Is that you best? jump on my typing (189) what about the $7,000,000 in new hotel business….
    OMG Get a life!!! says had it correct
    come on Facts only give it a try

  46. Get Real says:

    As pointed out, a business license is required for anyone doing business in the City limits. This includes individuals selling items at shows and festivals that sell wares. In addition to the local Business License, the City has a Special Event Business License and a Non-Local Business License requirement as well. What counts is the number of commercial vacancies, and they are numerous.

    Steve Segner wrote a Letter to the Editor in opposition to the Marriott Courtyard and now he’s touting it. More traffic congestion and a lower quality of life for Sedonans are on the way.

    Steve Segner not infrequently advertised his El Portal lodging in the Travel Section of the Sunday ARIZONA REPUBLIC. This was prior to the City gifting the Chamber/Lodging Council with $1.25 Million annually for three years.

    Although Steve Segner lives in Oak Creek Canyon, he claims to be a Sedona voter. His Ranch in the canyon holds weddings and other events/functions. Naturally, El Portal guests wind up there. Sedona sales taxes do not apply.

  47. QUESTION says:

    What’s “The Melting Pot?” @Steve Segner – a new method of getting rid of retirees?

  48. Chris says:

    Over a million bucks can buy alot @ HOW COME ? Get real has it right.

  49. steve Segner says:

    Get Real says:
    Get Real:
    So when you cannot come up with an answer, you just go after me?
    What is that all about? And yes as you know I vote in Sedona and as you know the state of Arizona said I could. Their rules not yours.
    I am just pointing out the facts, please tell me what facts have I used that are not true, as to the new and improving business climate in Sedona Driven by the bed tax funding.

    Yes, I have three homes in Sedona, and one up the canyon, and by the way we do not do weddings, we stopped October 2014.
    Why that matters I have no idea
    As for the small ad in the Republic I stopped it 2013, it was $75.00 a week, (I just got calls from people in Sun City looking for $59.00 rooms)
    What point are you trying to make?

    Feel better? I have answered all your questions, now please prove my numbers and statements are not correct.

    And yes, I do not think the Marriott is a good fit for Sedona, but the city council thought other wise, that is after all their job.


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