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Now Public ACC Emails Reflect Biases

The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.

The ACC is tasked with the responsibility to protect AZ ratepayers by weighing the costs and benefits of all state utility requests.

Sedona AZ (March 17, 2015) – The following is a letter to the SedonaEye.com editor:


Public record emails reflect ACC bias, impropriety & ignorance – Information & Perspective by Warren Woodward of Sedona, Arizona ~ March 17, 2015.

          At a meeting this past March 2, 2015, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) considered my appeal of their “smart” meter extortion fee decision of last December.

          The commissioners voted unanimously to ask the ACC Legal Division to come up with “sample orders of alternative dispositions,” in other words, some options.

          Sedona smart meter opt out logoThe ACC Legal Division concocted three options, none of which are very good, all of which are cop-outs, and all of which contain the usual biased misinformation I have come to expect from this failed and scandal ridden state regulatory agency. (The sample orders are here: http://images.edocket.azcc.gov/docketpdf/0000161350.pdf )

          My response to the three options is here: http://images.edocket.azcc.gov/docketpdf/0000162532.pdf .

          In my response I reference and discuss some specific and very revealing emails obtained via a public records request.

           There were 5.8K pages of emails that I received as a result of that request. While I am still not finished reviewing them, what I have found so far compliments the current ACC corruption scandal by showing just how biased, ignorant, improper and unethical the ACC is.

          The emails are discussed on pages 4 through 8 of my response: The actual emails referenced in the response are reproduced in full on pages 15 through 27 of the response.

          By the way, the handwritten notations on the emails are not mine.

          Those are the work of government censors.

Warren Woodward
Sedona AZ

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1 Comment

  1. 3/18/15 This is a rather lengthy newsletter, but it contains information which may be helpful to all Sedona residents while we strive to have 42.5% more of our neighbors refuse smart meters.

    Remember, we have the “RF Free” Program for those unable to pay the $5/mo. extra for retaining their non-transmitting analog meters (more info on http://www.sedonasmartmeterawareness.com/RF-FREE-PROGRAM.html).

    In this Edition:

    1. Update on Opt Out.

    2. Update on AZ Attorney Generals Investigation into APS’ 2014 Campaign Donations.

    3. Ranking Electricity Meters for Health/Privacy and Cyber Security Risks – These charts finally put to rest any questions about the risks involved with using various types of meters.

    4. Radiation Pattern in a Home from a Relatively Safe Mechanical Analog Meter (e.g., non-transmitting analog) and an AMR (Automated Meter Reading) or “Smart” Meter.

    Update on Opt Out . . . Important Information for All

    A resident contacted me about a problem she encountered when calling APS twice to opt out of her smart meter. She is renting an apartment that had a smart meter, but when a roommate began experiencing health effects, her landlady approved replacing her smart meter with a non-transmitting analog meter. However, when the resident called APS, she was told there is no opt out and no analog meters to install.

    Not only is it not true that analog meters are no longer available, but that APS has agreed to furnish them to those rate payers who refuse installation of a smart (and/or “digital”) meter on 12/12/14.

    As with all business transactions, it is imperative that any resident who calls and speaks with APS, that they note the person’s name, date and time of call.

    At least 2 companies are refurbishing removed analog meters or even remanufacturing them.

    1. TMD Waco, TX : http://www.texasmeter.com/products.html

    2. Hialeah Meter in Hialeah, FL : http://www.hialeahmeter.com/siphwame.html

    Since lying to customers is a form of abuse, people can and should file a complaint with APS AND the Arizona Corporation Commission who regulates APS.

    I also recommend complaining to the ACC commissioners. The Chair is Susan Bitter-Smith bittersmith-web@azcc.gov

    Tom Forese foresee-web@azcc.gov

    Doug Little little-web@azcc.gov

    Bob Burns burns-web@azcc.gov

    Bob Stump stump-web@azcc.gov

    Update on AZ Attorney Generals’ Investigation into “Dark Money”

    Campaign Investments by APS

    Sadly, Attorney General Mark Brnovich, whose election campaign was sweetened by APS’ donation of $425,000 has decided that his office can investigate the allegations made by a former ACC employee of collusion between APS and ACC.

    A commenter quoted a former Arizona Attorney General Renz Jennings who served on the ACC for 14 years: “It is wrong on its face for a monopoly to siphon large amounts of money generated by its captive customers to fund the campaigns of those who would determine how much those customers will pay APS,” Jennings said. “They aren’t spending millions for “good government.” they are picking winners and losers.


    How this AZ Attorney General’s “investigation” impacts APS’ smart meter opt out program is unknown at this time.

    All of you need to know that APS recently requested a rate increase of solar customers from the ACC!


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