Home » City Council, Community » Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

Eddie Maddock: More questions – Few answers

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (November 23, 2016)This is an e-mail sent to the City Council which is self-explanatory.

TO: Members of the Sedona City Council

The following two comments were posted by Steve Segner, Chairman of the Sedona Lodging Council, under my most recent article on Sedona Eye. The subject related to the Council meeting held on Nov. 22, 2016:

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM
Well Eddie see you at the meeting this afternoon want to hear what you have to say in public and the other 3 people that post using made up name,

Steve Segner says:
November 22, 2016 at 7:28 PM
Ha, no one showed or sent in letter to the city council meeting Toni the?
So what’s up all you chamber haters you had your chance,
Great meeting, chamber offering to spend $1.200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot up town…..That’s right money take from advertising and spend it to help traffic and parking.
I can hardly wait to see how you all put a negative spin on this
have fun

* * * * * * * *

Without intention to minimize Sedona’s need for additional parking, my question is, if the information Mr. Segner provided is accurate, that the Chamber is offering to spend $1,200,000 of marketing money to buy a parking lot uptown, why wouldn’t the City purchase the property directly instead of going through the Chamber of Commerce? Does it mean the City authorizes support for the Chamber to enter into the business of real estate/property management on the City’s behalf? Will the City of Sedona be responsible for property taxes and other liability on such property(s)? Who will benefit from a potential commission on the sale/purchase transaction of said property(s)?

question mark 4The same question remains unanswered as to why the City refuses to contract with a professional advertising agency, through the process of Requests for Proposals, as they do other city contracts?

Mr. Segner also refers in a comment dated 11/18 – 1:19 PM, to a contribution allegedly made by the Sedona Lodging Council of $5,000 towards the traffic study. In addition to funding for the USFS to assist in trail maintenance, that money was attributed as having come from the Chamber of Commerce as reported in the Red Rock News. Is the source of that funding from Chamber membership dues or does it represent a portion of the money allocated under the terms of the City’s contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of destination marketing? If it is, in fact, city revenue, then once again why wouldn’t the city follow their budget process and allocate the money directly?

Have you abandoned the commitment made during initial contract negotiations for the services of a professional outside audit to ascertain with certainty how this money has and continues to be spent?

What is the purpose of retaining a special interest, member driven organization as an acting agent for the City of Sedona? Do you have a written contract for that purpose? Does the Chamber of Commerce have a similar contract with the State of Arizona to act as an agent for them in order to justify authorized permission to function under the flag of the “Bureau of Tourism?” Do you ever intend to insist the legitimate businesses in Sedona City Limits, licensed and collecting city sales and bed taxes, be equitably represented at the Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center, allegedly 70% financed with city tax revenue, without being coerced into mandatory membership in the Chamber of Commerce?

sedona jobs accounting tax dollar bill book calculatorDo you have an accounting of the number of employees the Chamber of Commerce has hired since the inception of the contract agreement? Do you know the source of revenue being used for their compensation?

Unless you have already determined the contract will be renewed, prior to a formal meeting to address that subject, why would you sanction for the Chamber to purchase real estate on the City’s behalf? Again, have you no intention to consider redirecting use of the unconfirmed return on the bed tax increase?

Do you ever intend to ascertain with accuracy what percentage of the increase in city revenue during the past two years is attributed to the upswing in economy? Have you ever considered that by having followed protocol according to other transactions entered into by the City of Sedona the community might have averted many, many suspicions and ill will?

The City of Sedona has essentially set forth a policy of meticulously scrutinizing other contracted partnerships, apparently with the desire for unquestionable transparency. What’s the reason for reckless abandonment of that protocol when participating in transactions with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce? Doesn’t logical analysis portray this scenario as one whereby it is the City of Sedona that continues to promote the Chamber of Commerce instead of the other way around?

Respectfully submitted,

(Ms.) Eddie S. Maddock

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. WSR says:

    @John Daniels


    There’s a crazy women that posts under different names here on SE.

    All the nutty posts here are the same crazy deranged person….pay no attention….
    She has a mental illness..

  2. Research says:

    Good information on dealing with those trying to dominate and control this website and anyone not going along with their agenda.

    How to Deal with Difficult (Even Impossible) People

    Read more: http://www.oprah.com/shiftyourlife/how-to-deal-with-difficult-even-impossible-people#ixzz4SAgtw1oq

    She thinks you’re having a conversation, but you don’t get to speak a word. Something doesn’t go according to plan and you’re the one he blames. Whether it’s a family member, a co-worker or (worse) your boss, highly aggressive and challenging people can turn a perfectly good day into a dramatic experience without any reason. When walking away is not an option, what do you do?

    We have all met people who are so prickly and difficult that no one wants to handle them. In most situations, walking away is an option, and you escape with no more than ruffled feathers. But some situations are inescapable. You can wait until the thorny personality is gone and moan “She’s just impossible” to a friend. Far better, though, to begin to develop skills in practical psychology.

    Read more: http://www.oprah.com/shiftyourlife/how-to-deal-with-difficult-even-impossible-people#ixzz4SAh60B88

  3. HA, HA, HA says:

    For once WSR etal got it right. She speaks of herself.

    “All the nutty posts here are the same crazy deranged person….pay no attention….
    She has a mental illness..”

    Don’t believe it? Check the comments under “Our Founding Fathers Foresaw the Potential Tyranny of the Popular Vote.” A one person stand-up comedy routine is what WSR performs there (as if anyone cares). Which also proves the deranged mind of at least one person at city hall that contributed (by vote, not money) to the miserable mess of Sedona today.

    Yavapai College – watch out! Scary indeed. But the upside is maybe she won’t have so much time to spend at her own computer when she’s appointed to that board IMO. Oh Glory Be and Amen!

  4. Susan I says:

    You have to remember we Sedona City employees work 4 days a week, we have 2 weeks paid vacation and 2 weeks paid leave the first year of employment. That said, we still have time to comment on Sedona Eye Articles during work hours.

    ” Nobody will love you taxpayers as much as we do.”

  5. comment from Susan I says:

    To add to that, while we work 4 days a week it’s still only 40 hours a week no different than most other people who work for a living as opposed to those who have no work and depend on the government for free handouts.

    We thank the tourists every year for coming to sedona to pay our salaries since we know that sedona has no property tax that goes to fund the city.

  6. Wsr says:

    Ha Ha Ha
    Susan I

    Both the same person
    Thanks for proving my point….

    You are one crazy crazy lunatic.

  7. Paul D says:

    I love these city supporters that say there is no property tax. There is however s sales tax, a franchise fee on your phone, water, electricity. A monthly Sewer fee.

    If you don’t pay your sewer bill, mine is currently $705.12 a year, payable monthly. You get the kind notice from the city ” FAILURE TO PAY YOUR WASTEWATER FEES MAY RESULT IN A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY, A DEBT SET-OFF WITH THE ARIZ DEPT. OF REVENUE OR A CIVIL CITATION.”

    Seems to me the tourist revenue were supposed to pay our sewer fees. One other little thing, our home septic systems might leak into the aquifer, so we need to fill those with concrete and connect to the sewer. Now our fair city injects the ” treated ” wastewater into the aquifer.

    Government at work.

  8. Wsr says:

    @Paul D. Aka Tony

    You know you can always crap in a 5 gal sparkle bucket if you want to save a few bucks… you been complaining about taxes for years now get over to ready we’re gonna move off the grid …

  9. Larry A says:

    Come on folks EVERYONE pays property tax.

    The city gets money from that and the state. Remember the city is not part of the school or Fire organizations. They do less for more.

  10. @ comment from Susan I says:

    Where exactly do you think government gets the money to give “to those who have no work and depend on the government for free handouts. ”

    Government takes the money from someone else, by threat of force or by theft through inflation of the currency.

    You will soon get a harsh economics lesson.

    All the talking heads will say ” No one could have seen this coming.”

  11. @Wsr says:

    As you are in city management, please elaborate on how we may legally disconnect from the sewer system.

  12. @WSR says:

    Hummmm it seems as you’re very dissatisfied living in sedona and it seems to me that no changes in the near future will make you satisfied. Why don’t you teach us all a lesson an relocate someplace that will make you happy.

  13. Back to Subject says:

    And just what is the source of funds the chamber of commerce will by using to buy property on behalf of the city? Their membership fees? Hah – think again. Read the comments from Paul D.

    Back to that article about Scottsdale – refers to taxpayers and public funds as being the source of financing their Experience Sedona (not their chamber of commerce) but every bit as irresponsible as it appears this regional chamber is. A rip off unless and until an outside, independent audit is mandated along with RFP’s prior to renewal of the existing contract.

    If that had been appropriately done in the first place would there have been need for all these question? Of course not. So why was were the procedures bypassed?

  14. Reply to @WSR says:

    Hmmmm, As I worked my ass off so I could retire in beautiful Sedona and I have lived here for 25 years, rather than accept your suggestion that I relocate. I propose that we eliminate the source of my and many others unsatisfied situation. We the taxpayers and residents Vote to disincorporate the City of Sedona, which will stop the city funding of of the Chamber of commerce. It will reduce the hordes of lost day trippers on our roads.

    Who will second?

  15. John Daniels says:

    Reply to Reply

    Sounds like a lot of talk. Why not PUT UP OR SHUT UP as the kids say. Why not start your revolution and see where it goes?

    I figure not. I mean really, you didn’t go to the council meeting to air your views, no I guess not since no one, NOT EVEN ONE NOT EVEN EDDIE MADDOCK, the most vocal even went to the meeting. I’m guessing that since that council meeting was so important, Eddie would have gotten off her duff and stepped foot in city hall. But nope she didn’t.

    ALL TALK the bunch of you!

  16. @Reply to @WSR says:

    You are correct that many thousands of people have moved to Sedona and worked their asses off to live here. The other side is that there are special interest groups that make millions off the taxpayers to pay for their business expenses aka Chamber. The chamber has gone too far and they need to be stopped. It is so wacky that a city would even consider gifting them. The city of Sedona has created a mafia where the regional membership chamber whose own members have no vote or say so is beyond retarded. When you listen to the city council and mayor they act like they report to the chamber.

    Since many of us would never have even thought a city would discriminate against it own citizens how can the state not protect us? We moved to Sedona and became the stakeholders yet the city allows a membership association to take credit for everything. Allowing the chamber to buy anything with taxpayers money is criminal imo. They will use the assets from their and their members exclusive use.

    The city of sedona is holding us real stakeholders hostage. CC needs to get booted out.

    People move to a city or town for the exclusivity. They invest in an area for the future. They build businesses in locations that they believe in. The incorporated city limits is the exclusivity. If the CC can’t respect, City staff can’t honor that then yes we need to be disincorporated. I know many businesses, friends and family that have moved outside the incorporated area because of this.

    While SS JW WSR will try to rationalize this, try and discredit anyone that disagrees with gifting millions to a membership association. They even made up a big name for an association, one can’t rationalize bad behavior. Anyone can use these terms legally for a business. Not laws control who can use tourism, bureau, chamber, council, official, ect.

    The chamber is a association 501c6 period. Not part of the city. Every penny they gift associations take away income for the people, city, and state.

  17. Think About It says:

    Just suppose the State might discover Sedona has been a naughty girl and breached a State Statute or two. And then the State decides to punish Missy Sedona by withholding State tax rebates. And lets just guess that tidy sum might be around the two million dollar mark. And oh poor Sedona cries and whimpers about being abused and treated unfairly.

    And just how much did the city authorize the regional Chamber of Commerce for the 2017 budget? Wasn’t it, say, $2.01 million dollars? And Missy Jennifer whines because it isn’t enough? And the City Council, Manager, and Attorney would cry “unfair” to the State if they discovered infractions under SR 1487 and decided to slap a few hands for being in the cookie jar or something else?

    Hey, if the shoe fits, wear it! Cahpeesh?

  18. Paul D says:

    I second for ending the City of Sedona.

  19. steve Segner says:

    I worked my ass
    You can try to understand that there is more to Sedona then YOU, there is 8000+ people that make there living in sedona, Sedona has 16 miles of commercial
    property along 89a and 179 and over 2000 home lots, so did you think it would just sit undeveloped?
    Your bad,
    Sedona will grow, that is what cities do, they grow establish city governments and build treatment plants and make everyone join, all for the better good.
    Police,fire, waste treatment, and local government all come in one package.
    Day trippers found Sedona first and you came later , are were you born in Sedona?
    No you move here 25 years ago……


  20. JUST THE FACTS (not quite) says:

    FACT: City Council Meeting – Tuesday Dec. 13, 2016 – For Approval on Consent Agenda (3)

    Item d. Approval of a Proclamation, Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau “Health & Wellness Month” January 2017.

    Say what? Where in the world is there a connection with the Sedona Chamber of Commerce etal with “Health & Wellness?” Besides creating more traffic and related fumes, auto accidents, and adding to Sedona’s growing bad reputation, how can this “proclamation” be FACTUALLY substantiated? What is the purpose other than more grandstanding to promote this rogue member-driven special interest group by an incorporated city that should be promoting just that – a “city” and not a bunch of whiny boobs that cannot glob onto enough self-importance over and above $$$$$? And just specifically who, pray tell, were (are) the people that brought this idiotic “Proclamation” before the City Council?

    More FACTS needed. Please.

  21. Mary C says:

    It would be lovely if the money given to the Red Earth, Sedona Film Festival and Sedona Chamber was used to reduce our sewer fees.

    I Second !

    Mary C

  22. Don't need to THINK ABOUT IT says:

    I don’t need to suppose the State might discover Sedona has been a naughty girl and breached a State Statute or two because IT HASN’T. And then the State won’t decide to punish Missy Sedona by withholding State tax rebates BECAUSE IT DIDN’T. WHY BOTHER TO guess that tidy sum might be around the two million dollar mark WHO CARES.

  23. Eddie Maddock says:

    Gee whiz – thank you so much John Daniels for noticing my absence at the City Council meeting on November 22, 2016. And especially it was so kind of you to honor my name by using all capital letters.

    Apparently you didn’t read other comments or you would have been aware of a previous explanation for preferring not to attend the meeting.

    However, it’s a pleasure to take this opportunity to advise the readers of Sedona Eye that in addition to responding to the original e-mail, subject of the article, by three council members (also previously addressed) Mayor Sandy Moriarty has exchanged several communications with me and conveyed a much more respectful understanding than many of the radical comments reflected by others, including your submissions, Mr. John Daniels or whomever you are.

    Extending once again appreciation to those on the City Council that took time to address my questions and concerns, thank you very much. Your responses were far more meaningful than idle, inane prattle from what appears to be a bunch of losers that fail to uphold the integrity of their opinions by appropriately identifying themselves.

  24. @Don't need to THINK ABOUT IT says:

    And so based on what authority are your allegations? Are you an attorney? If so, kindly offer credentials to give your offering integrity which also may lead to many new clients. People in Sedona are constantly seeking referrals for competent legal advise..

  25. John Daniels says:

    Eddie Maddock, I don’t question that you are in fact Eddie Maddock so why are you questioning me? I have been going my that name for some 58 years and it seems to fit me just fine.

  26. Eddie Maddock says:

    John Daniels, if I unfairly questioned your identity please accept my apology. Are you also a resident of incorporated Sedona?

  27. Say what? says:

    Are you kidding me? Since when was it the Chambers job to buy land for the city?
    Sounds like another scam by Steve and Jennifer. Waz waz waz if you give us 5 more years we buy a property and use it to help our members if you fund us. then after 5 years we may let you have that asset back. Hehe even though you paid 100x for it.
    How could ANY staffers go along? Are they ALL incompetent? Are all the City Council asleep at the wheel? Who would have voted for incorporation or for the city council if we knew by doing so we actually were empowering a private club-association to TAKE OVER the CITY!!!!!!
    The stupidest thing ever. As far as YOU go Steve, who cares about YOUR opinion YOU LIVE ON THOMPSON ROAD outside the CITY limits. JA
    Yep it is TIME to STOP this INSANE city.

  28. West Sedona Dave says:

    John…..Its because your questioning her thats all….( not in agreement)

    I would never post with my name as over the years people have been dumb enough to post violent charges against fellow Sedonians…..Nice hu?

    We see and hear the same things beaten to death here…If its not about the city wanting to organize garbage pickup, or succeeding from Sedona’s incorporation, or the dreaded Chamber of Commerce.

    I have proven over and over that airBB can collect taxes for the city, with links….But people come up with big lies and never learn….just beat the same horse over and over….

    I think my new plight might be to unincorporated Sedona, make the whole city a home owners association, so we could override not only SB 1350 but go back to 30 day rentals, non of this air BB stuff!…Just like VOC did!… lol

    There is still time for a few more crazys to light there hair on fire…. Midgley will soon have a fence so they are running out of time for more Fax outrage!

    Absolutely pathetic!

  29. John Daniels says:

    To Eddie Maddock

    Yes, I live up Soldiers Pass, is that acceptable to you???

  30. Eddie Maddock says:

    Hey, John Daniels, is there any reason it shouldn’t be acceptable to me? That you “live up Soldiers Pass”?

  31. Overlooked solutions? says:

    If residents were brave enough to venture out yesterday (Saturday,Dec 10) towards the vicinity of Tlaquepaque they met up with yet another boondoggle.

    There sits vacant land, owned by the city, located on Brewer Road. Why in the world hasn’t that been converted for parking, if only temporarily at least until funds are comfortably available for turning it into a public park? And realistically, is a park a better use for the property with the traffic and parking situation being what it is? And then there’s also the property the city recently purchased next to City Hall. Why isn’t it feasible for that to be converted for parking and shuttle service? SSegner makes a similar suggestion for the lot uptown the Chamber offers to buy on behalf of the city – of course with city taxes, public money. Even that lot uptown would be more conducive to foot traffic than shuttle buses. Didn’t the city just make all those recent improvements to encourage foot traffic. Parking at Brewer Road – same thing. Why isn’t the city using the property it presently owns? And for the same reason, why do they pay Red Earth Theatre thousands of dollars annually to compete with local tax collecting businesses?

    Doesn’t this scenario really top any negative three ring circus or dog and pony shows that most communities would do their best to avoid? Did common sense flee Sedona during that last Harmonic Convergence a number of years ago?

  32. John Daniels says:

    To Eddie Maddock:

    Not at all except that after being on this site for the past few months I have seen that if a few find fault with a writer they attack them. I’m trying to add my opinions to conversations and not looking for attacks from writers who don’t like or agree with my views. This is America and while some of you may not agree, all opinions should be open to discussion.

  33. Eddie Maddock says:

    And to you, John Daniels, I couldn’t agree more. IMO it’s differences that make life interesting. Healthy discussions without attacks and name calling frequently become an opportunity to learn and understand differing opinions, even if the end result is to agree to disagree. So you see, it seems you and I might just have a meeting of the minds on this issue. At least I surely do hope so.

    Happy Holidays,
    Eddie Maddock

  34. Amazing says:

    John Daniels writes on 12/9 – 7:04 AM “. . . NOT EVEN ONE NOT EVEN EDDIE MADDOCK, the most vocal even went to the meeting. I’m guessing that since that council meeting was so important, Eddie would have gotten off her duff and stepped foot in city hall. But nope she didn’t.”

    And then on 12/11 – 12:15 PM, two days later the same John Daniels (presume) posts the following: “. . . after being on this site for the past few months I have seen that if a few find fault with a writer they attack them.”

    So just what was Daniels doing to Mrs. Maddock? If his snarky words weren’t an attack then one wonders what his definition of attack might be..

  35. West Sedona Dave says:

    John Daniels,

    Only if you hate all things Sedona will you possibly ever be excepted…
    You must attack anything helpful or is proven with links…..They dont listen, very ignorant and hateful….

    Opinions should be food for thought….not here…Nothing is good, Sedona is bad….The chamber of comers, is Satan reincarnated….We all should be able to rent rooms to anybody we choose……It is full tilt psycho if the city would decide to take over garbage removal….

    Hang around for a few months….You wont believe the ignorance and hate that spews daily!

    And please never use facts, they confuse the masses!

  36. Adeelah says:

    @West Sedona Dave the solutions to your problems and judgments are extremely simple. Look in the mirror.

  37. West Sedona Dave says:

    Im sorry Adeelah,

    I post facts, and links to prove to the masses…..Not opinions….I dont threaten anyone only point out there pure hypocrisy and lies!
    Now if you want to just make stuff up and throw it out there….Be sure some arnt as gullible as you, not only get proven wrong….Do it with the correct information.

    As I am not a hater on this site…..Just want the record straight…

    But I do love your ignorant comment……I will take note of that.

  38. Adeelah says:

    @West Sedona Dave sometimes a neutral person can see things differently. To me you have a lot of anger,intolerance and judgements going on. How can we judge without walking in that person’s shoes? We can’t. Just because someone says it, writes it, or post something doesn’t make it a fact.

    The post I read from you are based on emotion rather than logic. Your posts expel negative emotions,intolerance, hatred and the lack of compassion for other human beings. I pray for you and your spirit. Only when one is able to walk in another’s shoes, step back and look at things with logic can one process to a positive thinking positive moving life. Joel Osteen is a great light of positive living.

  39. Jay D. says:

    One of the problems (IMO) with Sedona is that too many people have tried to fix things when they weren’t broken. For example, Sedona had been discovered long before the regional chamber of commerce came along to “fix” it and spend millions of public funds – yes “public” money – for more unnecessary publicity. Now what do we have – too many cars and no real solutions for a problem that was invented by do-gooders attempting to “fix” what wasn’t even broken.

    Now, of course, it appears this same do-good (for nothing) chamber of commerce has excessive funding – enough to purchase property – all in order to solve problems they contributed to in the first place. But, of course, the dysfunctional city wouldn’t really know about that because they’ve never bothered to spend justified money for a legitimate audit.

    So the deal should be – cease and desist fixing what ain’t broken. A bit after the fact but also it’s never too late, so it’s been said, to mend ways and begin with common sense to “fixing” real problems and not adding to them.

    The addition of Tlaquepaque North, as lovely as it is, was not well thought out without having logical solutions for increased pedestrian traffic. And for those that forgot – that isn’t a city owned road. It’s a state highway and it’s doubtful ADOT will appreciate some of your amateur offerings of “fixing” things that were never broken in the first place until those of you created the problems did just that all by your little selves! (Just like the city-owned portion of 89A uptown.) Classic example of Sedona amateurs at work – including the inept chamber of commerce as ad agencies, product development advisers, and now acting realtors for the City of Sedona. Absurd!

    Take your alleged factual statistics and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine. A good place for starters to fixing problems that never existed in the first place.

  40. John Daniels says:

    To Jay D you make some very interesting points. Since you seem to have an understanding on this whole issue, why didn’t you attend that council meeting and tell the decision makers? As I said a few screens up, even Eddie Maddock another person who I tend to agree with didn’t come out to give her opinions in a place that may make a difference.

    It’s like being a witness to a bank robbery, you don’t tell the cops anything but then bitch on a blog site about then not finding the buggers.

  41. Eddie Maddock says:

    John Daniels, never fear. Members of city council and staff are very much aware of my opinion on specific issues. It isn’t necessary to attend meetings and take up time during which generally are already very long sessions. With the availability of e-mail, telephone, and willingness of most members of the city council and even staff to meet face to face, up close and in person, it’s really not all that difficult to reach them. Just so you are aware.

  42. John Daniels says:

    Eddie Maddock, if what you day is true about city people willing to meet face to face, why is there all of this negativity and anger?

  43. Jay D. says:

    To attend a council meeting and bring up issues similar to those in my previous comment would be pointless (John Daniels). During the public forum the opportunity is offered, but strictly limited to either two or three minutes – strictly monitored. And there is no opportunity for discussion and/or questions. Now specific agenda items also allow for public comment, they are also restricted to the time limit. So as Mrs. Maddock suggested, other methods to contact council members and/or staff may or may not result in more satisfactory communication.

    There is another matter as well which may or may not be true. But it certainly appears the city council has made their decisions regarding how they will vote on agenda items prior to the meetings. Now that’s just my opinion, mind you, but it isn’t unusual either that city council will vote contrary to staff recommendations. An example was the case two or three years ago when a contingency fund of $100,000 was approved against both staff and Budget Commission recommendation, which ultimately was also awarded to the Chamber of Commerce, over and above the millions of dollars now resulting from the 3-year advertising contract, entered into without RFP’s, an otherwise standard procedure imposed when other contracts are under discussion, the most recent the proposal for city control of garbage hauling.

    And in addition to the questionable purchase of property on behalf of the city, subject of this article, the question is just who is it paying for the remodel to the Chamber’s West Sedona Location in the Harkins Plaza? And how many employees has the Chamber hired to man that facility and when did it happen and what is the source of their compensation – before or after the multi-million dollar contract with the city. Try bringing up these subjects at a public forum and the gavel might very well be manned to call in the police. Just another scary thought of this dictatorship, unaccountable and repeating my previous description “dysfunctional” city government.

    For them to continue to shun a legitimate audit of this outrageous, blatant disregard of if nothing more than standard protocol sends the wrong message and if everything really is on the up-and-up why in the world wouldn’t those in power make it of legitimate record and post it on Sedona Eye which would once and for all prove the points of the repetitious opposition that is unable to communicate in a civilized manner. And they aren’t the alleged two or three people the true hate mongers claim, without merit, to post the many remarks that remain a concern to many residents that chose to make Sedona their home.

  44. @Jay D says:

    Jay D just a few quick questions, when you say “it certainly appears the city council has made their decisions regarding how they will vote on agenda items prior to the meetings” how does it appear like that to you????

    I remember not too long ago that you Sedona Eye people said that the council had already made their minds up to go against the community wishes and vote for the National Monument, THEY DIDN’T!

    I also remember that you Sedona Eye readers said that the council had made up their minds to vote against the community on the trash idea, THEY DIDN’T!

    So, until the time comes that the council actually votes for whatever it is you’re talking about why not hold your tongue because most times you’re wrong.

    If you have a question about “who is it paying for the remodel to the Chamber’s West Sedona Location in the Harkins Plaza” did you think to call the chamber and ask them?????? What you may or may not know is that the chamber is a stand alone company without the city involvement and maybe they”re spending their own money for the remodel.

    As for a legitimate audit, I didn’t know you SE readers were asking for an audit, an RFP maybe but not an audit. But if you are looking for an audit can you please tell me what “standard protocol” anyone is “blatantly disregarding”???

    Jay D, you really need to open up a new cake place, you’re beginning to loose it.

  45. Norma says:

    With the city council meetings being so long why would any of us make it longer by grandstanding. Every single council person is well prepared by the time the city council meeting occurs.
    They have all the backup data agenda beforehand. Each and every one of them meets with the city manager to review things BEFORE the meeting. Every council person I know and have spent time with has done their own reach out and gathering of information ahead of the meeting.
    The meetings are a formality, if you haven’t gotten to speak and send documents to council before the meeting you have NO chance to do so at the hearing – meeting it is simply a formality.

  46. Eddie Maddock says:

    John Daniels asks: “Eddie Maddock, if what you day is true about city people willing to meet face to face, why is there all of this negativity and anger?”

    Answer: I don’t know, Mr. Daniels. You would have to ask them because I speak only for myself.

  47. steve Segner says:

    JayD said
    It certainly appears the city council has made their decisions regarding how they will vote on agenda items prior to the meetings”

    Oh really.
    So what was all the fuss about the trash being a done deal?
    the numbers did not work. end of story.
    The city council people do not talk to each other about anything on the agenda
    so the out come is a surprise to them on most votes.

    Jay D said Try bringing up these subjects at a public forum and the gavel might very well be manned to call in the police this total bull s*** (word edit by editor) you are just to lazy to stand up in front of a group and look stupid.

    Go to the meeting say what you want or shut up .

  48. Jim Poole says:

    @ Steve Segner I thought I liked you until I read your posts.

    Who do you think you are?

    steve Segner says:
    “steve Segner says:Go to the meeting say what you want or shut up .”

    “steve Segner says:Jay D said Try bringing up these subjects at a public forum and the gavel might very well be manned to call in the police this total bull s*** (word edit by editor) you are just to lazy to stand up in front of a group and look stupid.” end of Steve’s post quotes.

    Really Steve. This is crazy crap. You are not a nice person. Very judgmental, and clearly you show way to much negative anger.

    PS Thank you Norma You have it right. CC are well informed before the meetings. They do their research before they vote.

  49. Adeelah says:

    Oh my Steve Segner. How sad your aggressive and negative post makes me feel.
    Please sir go to an anger management class.
    So sad Mr. Segner your behavior is a big disappointment.

  50. Jay Johnstone says:

    Segner you are (deleted by editor). You are losing your money and your mind.

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