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CD1 Congresswoman Kirkpatrick Attends Sedona Fundraiser

June 12 2010 Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick (CD1) at Sedona DORR fundraiser

Sedona AZ (June 14, 2010)The following article was written and submitted by Angela LeFevre, Democrats of the Red Rocks club president:

Over seventy five enthusiastic supporters welcomed Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-CD1-Democrat) in west Sedona on Saturday,  June 12, 2010, to a fundraiser organized by the Board of the Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR).  The Congresswoman arrived early and socialized with the crowd, answering questions and discussing issues with her constituents.

At around 2.30 in the afternoon, Angela LeFevre, President of DORR, opened the meeting and thanked everyone for coming. She did acknowledge two Democratic candidates for State Office – Lindsay Bell (House) and Bob Donahue (Senate). She also reminded the audience that our Attorney General and candidate for Governor, Terry Goddard, would be visiting the DORR Headquarters on Thursday, June 24, 2010, at 3.00 p.m. and everyone was invited.

Then Angela, to loud applause, introduced the Congresswoman to the meeting. She noted the Congresswoman’s hard work, and in particular praised her on pushing forward with the National Scenic Area Designation, which Ann had introduced into Congress (HR 4823) in March. The first hearing was held last Thursday, June 11, 2010, in Washington DC before the National Parks, Forests and Public Lands sub-committee of the Natural Resource Committee. Angela also noted that there were nine Republicans lining up to try and unseat Ann this November.

DORR President Angela LeFevre opens Sedona fundraiser

Ann thanked everyone for coming and for their support and continued hard work. She echoed the message that she had been put in the cross hairs of Sarah Palin’s rifle and had been targeted as one of the Representatives to be unseated. Ann went on to emphasize that her major focus was, by far, jobs. Her District has been hit hard by loss of jobs.

Ann is hoping that the economy will continue to steadily improve and that more stimulus money will be released. Her support of the National Scenic Area Designation was not just a response to the very positive feedback she received from her constituents, but also to the fact that it would be good economically for this area and would provide new jobs. She added that the protection it gave to this area both now and for future generations was, of course, a major factor. She talked a little about the hearing and how the Forest Services had indicated their approval, which was huge. She then handed the microphone to Councilor Barbara Litrell, who had been present at the hearing, and who added more in depth comments to the proceedings.

An audio of the hearing can be heard via the website of DORR.

Ann also pointed out other similar environmental bills she was working on, including the expansion of the protection of the Casa Mesa ruins and the Four Forest Initiative, which was being supported by the Forest Services, Environmentalists and Industry, to help thin out the forests in her area, and utilize the wood for industrial use.

Ann discussed other issues, such as healthcare. She stressed that the new law was just the beginning and more needed to happen. She talked about the BP Oil Spill and the disaster in the Gulf, and how this showed that our reliance on oil had to stop and we had to concentrate on developing alternative sources of energy. Ann answered a slew of questions, ranging from immigration and the new law ( SB 1070), to renewable energy before departing.

Editor’s Note: The Sedona Times Publishing newspaper (SedonaEye.com – SedonaTimes.com) thanks Angela LeFevre, President of Democrats of the Red Rocks in Sedona, Arizona, for writing and submitting this article, and Derek Von Briesen for the June 12, 2010, Kirkpatrick for Congress fundraiser photos.

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