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Arizona Proposition 205 Town Hall

CC4ASedona AZ (October 14, 2016) – Concerned Citizens for America, a local civics organization, is hosting a Sedona Town Hall to facilitate an Arizona Proposition 205 discussion about the regulation and taxation of marijuana November 2016 ballot initiative. Arizona voters are asked to attend as this initiative will legalize recreational and retail marijuana statewide.

The Town Hall will be held Tuesday, October 18, beginning at 6:30 PM in Christ Center Wesleyan Church, 580 Brewer Road, Sedona 86336. All voters are welcome.

You are Invited To a Town Hall

Arizona Proposition 205

a November 2016 Ballot Initiative

“The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act”

What do I need to know as an Arizona resident?

Topics discussed will include:

This initiative to legalize recreational and retail marijuana will be on the Arizona ballot in November 2016. What exactly is the initiative language?

Colorado and Washington have legalized recreational use of marijuana. What can their recent experience teach us?

How should we approach our neighbors and friends with the facts that we have learned today?

All voters are welcome to converse with us.

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Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. JuiceEatMJ says:

    Marijuana has so many health benefits, especially juiced or eaten; it has nothing to do with “getting high”. As an insomniac, I’m unable to even try it in AZ. I have no wish to smoke it, to be a pothead, or to start wearing tie dyed shirts.

  2. Marcy says:

    Little kids are attracted to sweet treats and having marijuana available for moms (and dads) to grow in their home and use in tasty goodies, without regulation – well, make the conclusion yourself. To legalize it for those over 21 and yet have it available to all ages? What’s wrong with this picture? And what about all the babies born in Colorado that emerge as potheads? This has not been thought out. Medical marijuana is already available @JuiceEatMJ.

  3. NotBrainwashed says:

    These vote no folks shoved a flyer under my windshield wiper the other day. The flyer is full of fear-mongering “facts” about the horrors of legalized cannabis. The very last one claims to be a quote from a Robert Robb in the AZ Republic,
    “[Prop 205] gives current medical marijuana dispensaries a greased inside track on the recreational market, (then highlighted in yellow) It’s a naked self-interested grab for protected market share.” So WHO is behind this flyer and it’s purported “facts”? On the very bottom of the flyer in fine print, “Major funding by Insys Therapeutics, Inc”. Interesting. So I looked them up, and gee wiz, talk about a “self-interested grab for market share”, they are a big pharma company with a cannabis product in development “Using our proprietary sublingual spray technology and our capability to develop pharmaceutical cannabinoids, we work to address the clinical shortcomings of existing commercial products”. You can see this on their web site at http://www.insysrx.com/products/in-development . Any wonder why they are promoting NO vote to deprive AZ citizens of their right to choose? “It’s a naked self-interested grab for protected market share.” .Indeed. Wonder what they’ll have to say about that at their “town hall”. Vote YES on 205 – for our right to choose.

  4. JuiceEatMJ says:

    Hi Marcy – Parents have the task of using common sense and love with raising their children. Just like alcohol and prescription drugs, marijuana should be kept away from children.

    Medical marijuana isn’t available in AZ for insomnia.

    I haven’t heard about the upcoming Coloradian Baby Zombie Pothead Apocalypse; sorry for the sarcasm, but honestly I don’t think that concern is warranted. I do appreciate you and others like you wanting to look out for me and for all our protection; I trust you mean well, but the “For Your Protection” policies can and often do backfire into various forms of tyranny. We all can and should make our own decisions.

    Marijuana is an herb, a very healing plant. My wish is that our society would mature to understand this.

    NotBrainwashed – yes, follow the money on this one. Sad.

  5. Marcy says:

    Thank you, JuiceEatMJ, for a logical and respectable dispute to my response. See how easy it is to disagree with the opinions of others without name calling, hate, and insults?

    With mutual consideration I appreciate your position but it offers little to relieve anxieties about a mind conditioning drug falling into the pits of tot’s tummies. Sadly parents these days, in many cases, lack common sense and function on the premise “this can never happen to me.” We read about it every day.

  6. CC4A says:

    Friends: Join us tonight at Christ Center Church, 580 Brewer Road, Sedona, 86336, at 6:30 PM to learn what is really in Prop. 205.

    Here are just a few things that you will learn:

    Arizonans did not write this ballot initiative; marijuana lobbyists in Washington (“big pot”) wrote it. The average Arizona voter had no say in the initiative language.

    If we pass it, we “own it”. Because it is a ballot initiative, the Governor cannot veto it and the Legislature’s hands are tied. The Marijuana Policy Project (“big pot” from Washington) paid Arizonans $1,000,000, in total, for their individual signatures to get this initiative on the ballot.

    There is no potency limit for “edibles” (marijuana candy, cookies, brownies) in the initiative; advertising to children may begin immediately after passage. Potency in “edibles” can be 15 times the potency of the old “Woodstock pot”.

    After 2020, pot may be delivered like pizza to local residences. After 2020, dispensaries may set up “pot bars” locally.

    Legalization does not stop kids from using; before legalization, Colorado kids were #17 in the nation in illegal use. That number jumped to #1 after legalization of recreational pot.

    Colorado tourism is suffering; visitors are shocked by the homelessness, the smell and the crime. Small business is having a hard time recruiting potential employees who are not “high”. Hospitals are complaining about pot-related accidents, poisonings and pot-compromised newborns.

    Join us for more facts that you must know to vote correctly. See you tonight…and bring friends.

  7. JuiceEatMJ says:

    Marcy – yes, I agree about discussing differences peacefully. It’s what our country and our world needs. Everyone loses with hate and anger.

  8. Soon you'll be gone & world'll be better place says:

    Goodbye FlagNAU campus’s crime is low and kids are centered outdoors and healthy pursuits. Welcome in crime as druggies and drug dealers become the norm and homeless population grows. Ask any Colorado campus and surrounding areas what’s it been like, niece changing schools and headed to Iowa state. Check out California for armpit schools. unsafe in Denver any more. Used to be known as most beautiful US state’s now drug central like Washington state. you ignorant baby boomers continually screw up with your me me me generation. Daddy and mommy didn’t let you have pot and the vote and all the perverted sex you wanted and now you give it free to everybody and can’t hold on to what’s good, Pathetic Old 60 +Psychos! Cut your hair and get jobs owww forgot you don’t have hair and you’re too old to work. Why you get to make law is wrong, leave it to the young and smarter.

  9. Bill, Chapel early riser says:

    voting Trump, voting McCain, voting Babeau, voting Barton, Allen, Chabin, if you’re intelligent about AZ politics you’ll do same – still deciding on the rest – will listen to thoughts on rest of them to decide

  10. Special Interests Behind Marijuana Prohibition says:

    From Mises.org — https://mises.org/blog/special-interests-behind-marijuana-prohibition

    The Special Interests Behind Marijuana Prohibition

    Mark Thornton

    Prohibition kills a massive number of people in the United States every year. It does help make a few people extremely wealthy, but at the same time, it impoverishes the rest of us. This dire situation is mostly unknown, but it is not due to a simple misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about prohibition. It is because prohibition is nothing but a scam.

    Steve Kubby’s foreword to Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto demonstrates that the state has no moral purpose for enforcing marijuana prohibition. Rather, the state is actively covering up the fact that marijuana is not highly dangerous and marijuana has well-established benefits.

    Readers will be amazed at how callously law enforcement and the justice system treated Kubby and his wife. However, do not forget that the state’s enforcement of drug prohibition laws give them the opportunity to brandish their weapons in an attempt to scare us. Such laws have also been enacted and enforced to suppress minority groups.

    Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto is a practical call to our attention that marijuana, i.e., cannabis and hemp, is not only far less harmful than the state declares, but it is also one of the most beneficial and versatile resources on the planet. As the author searches earnestly for an explanation for this irrational policy, he finds that large corporations that sell substitute products are primary culprits.

    In other words, if you sell alcohol, tobacco, or pharmaceutical products, it is likely that you contribute money to groups named “Save the Children” or “Protect American Values” who ultimately spend some of that money to defeat legalization ballot measures.

    I have been studying, researching, and writing about alcohol and drug prohibition for over 30 years now. I realize that private prison corporations have also been donating money to these anti-marijuana political campaigns as a way to increase the flow of inmates into their prisons. Ventura takes the analysis one step further. He shows that federal prisons are renting out their prison populations to large American corporations for pennies on the dollar as cheap labor pools.

    This diabolical practice not only spreads the benefits of continuing marijuana prohibition to large American corporations, but it also handicaps smaller businesses that are trying to compete. Ventura names Whole Foods, Walmart, AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, BP, Starbucks, Eddie Bauer, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, and Victoria’s Secret as all being implicated in this scheme. The inmates are paid 0 to $1 per hour, they are required by law to work, and the corporations that hire them receive their slave labor and a $2,400 tax credit per inmate.

    I am not against criminals being forced to do hard labor for their crimes. However, all that money should end up in the hands of victims as restitution or compensation for their crimes or be used to offset taxpayer money used for incarceration. It clearly should not end up as a competitive wedge for large corporations against small businesses. Also, clearly, the production, sale, and possession of marijuana should not be a crime because there is no victim to compensate!

    Furthermore, the pittance that inmates earn most often goes to pay off fines and fees incurred during their trials and yet many of the inmates who serve their sentences and are released from prison then find themselves heavily indebted to the criminal justice system. This “system” goes by the business-like name of “insourcing,” but what it is really a modern form of slavery and crony capitalism.

    Ventura is right up front when it comes to solving the war on drugs problem. Although he is not an anarchist, his solution is to legalize all drugs, not just marijuana. He is right to consider marijuana prohibition to be the biggest problem in terms of numbers, but he also fully realizes that other drug prohibitions would keep all of the bad aspects of the war in place. We would still have the DEA, drug gangs and cartels, overdoses, huge prison populations, bribery and corruption, and violence and murder. So ultimately the goal is to legalize all drugs.

    Along the way, the book provides investigative reporting on the Silk Road Conspiracy, what is really going on inside the DEA, and all the hypocrisy associated with marijuana prohibition over the last century.

    Ventura is also very thorough about the benefits of legalized marijuana, which include medical, industrial, textiles, food, and fuel among other uses. While the government has yet to admit it, marijuana in its many forms has numerous medical applications. For example, we have long known that marijuana with the active ingredient, THC, helps with pain, sleep, appetite, stress, and inflammation. These are the problems, which if solved, allow a person’s body to heal itself.

    However, we also now know that marijuana with THC and marijuana with CBD, but no THC, helps or cures a variety of ailments such as seizures, brain tumors, post-traumatic stress disorder, i.e., PTSD, and some cancers. It also is very promising for various mental disorders without all the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. The book explains all the currently known medical applications and what varieties of marijuana have what types of applications, along with the possible side effects and interactions. Of course, hemp is also illegal under marijuana prohibition despite hemp having no THC content and being a historically important industrial material dating back to Colonial days.

    Entrepreneurs and scientists are only beginning to explore the potential of marijuana and hemp. The plant promises to be a near cure-all medicinal ingredient. Hemp seeds are a super nutrition food that can help restore and maintain health. The plants are a master ingredient, like crude oil, that can be used to produce, or help produce, just about everything we need without the use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Some ancient temple ruins were recently rediscovered in India and the masonry works were in remarkable condition. It turns out marijuana and/or hemp was used as an ingredient in the masonry. Investigators believe that it helped protect the masonry from water, mold, and insects over the centuries.

    Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto is well researched, easily readable, and thoroughly entertaining (if you consider getting mad at your government entertainment). It even comes with recipes! Jesse Ventura’s new book is highly recommended.

    Originally published at LewRockwell.com.

    Mark Thornton is a Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and the book review editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. He has authored seven books and is a frequent guest on national radio shows. Contact: email, Facebook, twitter.

  11. Lucas says:

    I’m sorry but those that are opposed to this are stuck in the 1940’s. First off, I can understand about sweet treats being attractive to kids, but you wouldn’t leave a bottle of Percocet laying out on your table, same concept applies here.

    Also, less children in Colorado are finding marijuana attractive. I guess the thrill of it being illegal is gone.

    This law won’t change people into potheads. That’s just insane thinking.

    The only reason I would vote no on 205. Is because it favors the already existing dispensaries. So the fat cats get fatter…..

    If you oppose this law for any other reason than that, you need your head checked…..because the revenue it generates will be put back into education, and drug addiction, it’ll pave our roads, and pay for things or cities and towns would otherwise not have funds for….so yes let’s talk about the benefits Colorado has seen….they are listed above

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