Home » Community Events » April Zero Waste Course Series at Yavapai College April 23

April Zero Waste Course Series at Yavapai College April 23

The Community Education (non-credit) program at Yavapai College is sponsoring a weekend series of Zero Waste Courses leading to a Zero Waste Certificate. The $35 tuition per session ($105 total) is minimal for this 9-hour 3-course format beginning with Session 1 on Friday evening, April 23rd continuing Saturday morning and afternoon Saturday April 24th. All sessions will take place on the Sedona campus. See details and registration: www.campusce.net/YC/Search/Search.aspx?q=zero%20waste>.

These courses are leading-edge practical workshops for businesses, governments, institutions, and residents. The content ranges from the overview and why thinking Zero Waste (Session I) is important to the Practical Assessment of your particular situation (Session 2) to Session 3, Implementing Zero Waste. The instructor, Richard Anthony, is an experienced world-respected leader and consultant on Zero Waste. He has taught these courses AND assessed, written and implemented Zero Waste for businesses, entire cities and counties all over the world (http://www.richardanthonyassociates.com).


Zero Waste is a design principle way of thinking for the 21st century. Each of us individually and collectively can push the transition from traditional end-of-pipe waste “diversion” programs paid for by us. Ultimately Producer Responsibility “cradle to cradle” recycling is the only means for achieving a deep transformation of wasteful production and consumption. Our efforts will drive improvements in product design, stimulate local economies, and reduce climate change impacts of transportation- and energy-intensive product chains AND save us money. The phasing down of landfills and incineration of discarded resources will save natural resources, land space for landfills, and reduce air, land and water pollution. 


Such non-credit courses leading to a Zero Waste Certificate are usually offered individually and at a much higher cost at regional or national meetings for landfill, waste, recycling, and environmental professionals. Some states, such as California, have mandated that cities reduce landfilling.


Nearly 2 years ago the Sedona City Council passed a Zero Waste Resolution which to work towards Zero Waste over time. We encourage environmental career students (college or late high school) and people wishing to change careers to sign up for the series. We also encourage local and state businesses, governments and institutions to attend or encourage their employees to sign up. Consider Zero Waste as one principle of sustainablity which will SAVE money for you. You will get much more back in savings!

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