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2015 In Review with Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

SedonaEye.com columnist Eddie Maddock

Sedona AZ (December 28, 2015) – Approaching the one year anniversary of the date the most recently elected Mayor and City Council members were seated, a quick review of accomplishments include (but are not limited to) approval of CVS, Marriott Hotel, expansion of Tlaquepaque North, SR89A frontage development in front of City Hall, proposed improvements to the Western Gateway, Soldiers Pass, and, the Brewer Community Focus areas. Considering the recently approved update of the Community Plan encompasses a ten-year span, at the aggressive rate this City Council is going, they might have the job done within the next four years!

While most people become temporarily distracted with activities pertaining to Holiday Festivities, this City Council, by golly, maintains the status of “business as usual.”

During Council priority discussions, franchised garbage collection was discussed and, according to Assistant City Manager, Karen Daines:

“The City has engaged the services of Burns and McDonnell to assist us in exploring the viability of consolidating and regulating local residential trash and recycling services through a city-managed exclusive contract(s).

The study is in several phases, with Phase I being the public input process. The public input process includes vendor interviews (done several weeks ago), telephone surveys (conducted by Fort Hayes University) which were initiated last week, and we are also looking at the last week of Jan/first week of Feb for public meeting(s) and focus groups.”

Reviewing why the City Council opted to consider the proposal, Ms. Daines offers the following:

“Just as a reminder, the reasons the City is looking at this include reducing the number of trash trucks up and down residential streets which reduces emissions, wear and tear on city streets, and noise in neighborhoods; cost-savings through the purchasing power, efficiencies, and economies of scale vendors would gain by servicing the entire city; and the opportunity to add service enhancements (provision of bulk pickup and other options not currently offered, etc.).”

money dollar bagKeep in mind this proposal includes only those properties included within Sedona City Limits and not the “Greater Sedona Area” as has recently been bantered around and adds to the confusion of the confines of incorporated Sedona City Limits. Also not included in Ms. Daines commentary is the opportunity for the city to collect residential franchise fees and, if possible, any other taxes legally deemed acceptable.

The total for all phases is about $53,000 but we set it up to have a menu of service options so we could pick and chose what we needed vs. what we’ll do ourselves. And we won’t move on to any other work if the Council decides after the public input period that they don’t wish to further pursue this effort. Phase I, the public input phase, is about $20,000 and again, should Council decide not to move forward, the contract for services with Burns and McDonnell will end there,” states Karen Daines.

The argument of excessive wear and tear to our city roads and streets smacks of discrimination. How can they single out garbage haulers that make rounds on a weekly basis when rental jeeps, RVs, and especially caravans of ATVs run amok throughout Sedona on a daily basis? Then, we have the impenetrable lines of tourist traffic that somehow manages to dwarf our trash removers in popularity of aggravating nuisances. If we have a City Council of the mindset to do away with free enterprise, then why limit it to the business of trash hauling? In fairness, consideration should also be extended to the number of recreational vehicle rental operations and perhaps restricting other services to only one assigned source. Even the U.S. Forest Service some years back confined jeep tours to only designated areas.

As for a telephone survey, how many people are overwhelmed with unwelcome robocalls and would have no idea an opportunity to participate in a very important survey had been overlooked? This gives rise to the question of just how viable is such a survey anyway?

question markRunning this extremely important proposition through the process during perhaps the busiest time of year leads to the question: “Why and what’s the big rush?” Has City Hall been deluged with complaints and phone calls of dissatisfaction relating to garbage haulers selected by the residents themselves?

The urgency to push through selective City Council priorities becomes questionable when considering unresolved issues such as “Barbara’s Park” at the Posse Grounds, a completion presently pushed back yet another year due to bid cost overrides.

The approval of the expansion of Tlaquepaque occurred without a clue as to resolving additional foot traffic crossing SR179, a bottleneck that serves as the catalyst to cause traffic backups sometimes even to the Village of Oak Creek during peak tourist seasons.

Oh yes, there’s even an urgency for this Council to make a decision to purchase some property next to City Hall as indicated by a “special meeting” on December 28th, yet sufficient funds are not available to complete Barbara’s Park?

And objecting to residents arranging for their own choice of garbage hauler is more important?

If this conversion is allowed, what will be next? Will City Council be deciding who we select to trim our yards, paint our homes, install a fence or perhaps even a swimming pool? All such activities require using sizeable trucks, so where will it end?

imagine sedona community planBy the essence of this ongoing attempt to employ “big city” methods, it completely subverts one of the most important aspects of the Sedona Community Plan to retain its small town character. Sedona didn’t incorporate for the purpose of having big government and policies but, of course, with the exception of Mayor Sandy Moriarty, none of the current members of the present Sedona City Council were here during the time incorporation was on the ballot – not once but twice because the first time failed. What’s occurred since that fatal decision is a far cry from what was originally proposed, to protect the designated area from intrusive development, distasteful colors and signage, and remain inviting to tourists while at the same time reflecting a desirable quality of life for registered Sedona voters that made it a reality.

Elected officials all too frequently forget why they were elected and insist on imposing what “they” think is best whether or not it accommodates the will of the people. And, of course, City Staff is hired to make it happen.

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!

Read www.SedonaEye.com for daily news and interactive views!


  1. steve Segner says:

    Seems reasonable, out in the open for all to see.

  2. POPPYCOCK says:

    There’s not one thing listed here @What to Expect at Public Meetings that justifies the consequences, intended on not, that we residents not only in incorporated city but outlying areas stand to suffer. Nothing here guarantees our costs will be less, especially for those who prefer to discontinue service when they travel. There’s no justification for damage to roads and/or excessive noise unless limitations are imposed on ALL motorized vehicles – including the thousands of day trippers clogging our highways with traffic congestion. Why must we be saddled with two huge garbage containers when many of us fail to fill even one a week? Someone is bound to profit here and me thinks it will be potential candidates for city council considering an election is on the horizon. Highest campaign contribution from the winning contestant? It sure as hell won’t be Sedona residents. Ask those who are connected to the sewer what happened to the pledge to fund the treatment plant with existing taxes. POPPYCOCK!

  3. Jody says:

    This has been no more than a contrived set-up from the get-go. Pushing this campaign off during the holidays was step one in deception, hoping no one would be the wiser. The loaded questions on the phone survey. Then how about the presentation made by the hired hatchet guy, so unimpressive a spin doctor selling cure-all medicine might have been more convincing. Why the selective Focus Group meetings? Then adding insult to injury the current effort to blame Taylor Waste for doing their job by keeping their customers informed by notifying them in a well written letter the intent of this brazen city to take away our rights and deny free enterprise.

    Also of amazing interest is the expressed intent to seek requests for proposals for the garbage hauling contract. Why now with this and none for the destination marketing contract? Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.

    Be prepared for another scam to set up 5,000 money grabbing accounts for this unethical city government to snatch unknown monthly payments from legitimate residents. Their voices will not be heard for what is being said – “NO, leave us alone!” The outcome, same as the deal with the chamber of commerce, was decided before it even accidentally was made public, thanks to Taylor Waste. The big boys like Waste Management will monopolize and contribute even more money for them to sponsor big golf tournaments down in Phoenix.

    Sedona’s small town atmosphere has been sold out to big, big business. Way to go betrayers – all of you arrogant air heads that are so egotistical you really do believe you know what’s best for us. NOT!

  4. Don't be Fooled says:

    Some members of the city council are busy attempting to brain wash residents into believing this city take-over of garbage hauling is a good deal. But don’t be fooled. There’s no guarantee that even if the initial contract should be at a lower rate it would remain that way. Once they get approval we will be in their clutches FOREVER. Worse yet, they keep trying to blame Taylor Waste for creating this controversy just because the owner notified customers what was brewing, Unlike the city, that was good business to not keep us in the dark.

    It was this city council that opened this can of worms – which initially resulted from that little known sustainable commission who would turn us all into vegans if they could.

    We do not know what we will be getting. Two containers whether we want them or not? Pay for bulk hauling whether we use it or not? Year-round monthly payments even when we leave for 3-4 months? They cannot be trusted.

    We know what have but not what we’ll be getting. AND THAT’S A FACT.

  5. Eddie S. Maddock says:

    City Managed Garbage Hauling Update:

    The following e-mail was forwarded to me from a concerned citizen. This planned “work session” is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, at 3:00 PM. This means it’s possible that in addition to extremely heavy traffic at least some Sedona residents (of the 5,000 subscribers needed to assure success of the city-proposed takeover) could very well be out of town that week because the meeting will be taking place the WEDNESDAY BEFORE EASTER SUNDAY.

    In the event you somehow were overlooked and didn’t receive the invitation, here it is:

    —–Forwarded Message—–
    From: Lauren Browne
    Sent: Mar 9, 2016 3:48 PM
    To: Lauren Browne
    Subject: City of Sedona Trash and Recycling City Council Work Session

    Good afternoon,

    This email is to inform you about the City Council Work Session in which Council will be updated on all the public input the city has received regarding a potential residential city-wide trash and recycling program. This public input was received in a number of ways including letters, emails, phone calls, a dedicated phone survey, public meetings, and focus groups.

    The meeting will be held March 23rd at 3 PM in Council Chambers at 102 Roadrunner Dr. Staff will be seeking direction on whether or not City Council would like to continue moving the idea of a city-wide trash and recycling program forward, based on the public input collected to date.

    As a resident who expressed interest in this topic by reaching out to the City, we thought you would be interested in this meeting, which you are welcome to attend. There will be an opportunity for public comment at this meeting. It will also be live-streamed online here: http://www.sedonaaz.gov/your-government/council-commissions-committees-boards/meetings-video-audio, and broadcast on channel 4 for SuddenLink Cable subscribers.

    Come March 16th, you can access the Agenda Bill and staff report for this topic via the city’s Meeting – Documents web page, which you can find here: http://www.sedonaaz.gov/your-government/council-commissions-committees-boards/meetings-documents. From there, if you click on the City Council link, you can pick the date of the meeting (March 23rd) and from there you click on the Complete Packet link. Then by clicking on the item on trash and recycling in the Complete Packet, it will bring you down to the Agenda Bill and accompanying exhibits.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    Lauren Browne
    Citizen Engagement Coordinator
    City of Sedona

    text/cell: 928-821-6958

  6. Robert O says:

    @ Eddie Maddock Thank you for that update.

    I think that it’s important that the notice says nothing about a vote by the city council and it seems more like a gathering of info.

  7. steve segner says:

    there will be no vote for a long time the city staff is just gathering info as they should,

    the more we all know the better.

  8. Another Point of View says:

    It just looks more and more like this is already a done deal. Otherwise why would they have this meeting during Easter Week when many people will be out of town? And why were so few selectively sent the notification? Are they just asking those people to attend they know will support the city garbage hauling control? If they are to simply decide at this meeting on the 23rd whether to move forward and seek bids for the contract, knowing in advance that’s their intent, then why even waste the money having the meeting? And now with that Lamkin bird on the city council – who Jon Thompson already admitted having been to his house – isn’t it just another exercise in futility? They have the survey results and those shown at the meetings were 80-95% in opposition of the takeover – not what they wanted probably but what difference does it make? Lamkin said we’re all ignorant anyway so why did they waste all the money for this smoke screen BS when they already know their direction? What a waste but mostly a kick in the rear to Sedona residents.

  9. Prediction says:

    This will be drawn out and the decision made probably mid-summer before primary election in August. Many people away. Sandy Moriarty whether she runs again for mayor or not will make certain this deal is sealed and tie it in with sizable funding for Sedona Recycles.

    Those who vacation for the summer and cancel service during that time enjoy because it will be your last. You will soon be stuck with paying on an annual basis. There will be no opportunity to opt out. Success depends on 5000 subscribers.

    Also if it’s decided to accommodate back-door services be prepared that we will all foot the bill for those requiring the service. Socialism – welcome to Sedona. Goodbye opportunity for choice.

  10. Robert O'Donnell says:

    They are not notifying just supporters of the issue. I was notified because I was part of the focus groups and I am certainly not in support of just one provider. However, I expect the council will approve it, just look at what Lampkin said in his interview, he said the public is not informed on the benefits, so no matter what the public wants, he will force it down our throats along with all of the other council members. I would love to see providers do the billing and have the city split up so that each section is awarded to various providers, maybe even allowing 2 winners per area, thus everyone still has business and people still have an choice. I thought we were supposed to keep our small city feel, how does a monopoly trash collection sound like small city and where is the opportunity for all?

  11. Gordon George says:

    @RbtO’Donnell Explain why your stance isn’t outright capitulation? Why is that your view? Compromise isn’t necessary even in this circumstance! And definitely capitulation is wrong. The majority of residents do NOT want this. The MAJORITY do not have to capitulate! That is not representation, that is crass political servitude. Grow up. Learn how governance works, and it doesn’t work when the MAJORITY bows in silence to a few would-be Kings and Queens.

  12. Jerry, Sedona City Limits says:

    Back to basics – if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. That’s the resounding message being sent as a result of the city’s own outreach efforts. Of course, that wasn’t the feedback they expected or wanted. Just watch and see how they spin the results in order to “educate” us to their way of thinking.

    And Tom Lamkin’s direct words regarding the feedback was due to “ignorance on our part” – watch the video of the meeting if you don’t believe me. Isn’t it wonderful he has such a high opinion of the people he now represents? No wonder he didn’t get elected when he ran for council legitimately. But of course since then things have surely changed. Maybe during the time Jon Thompson was visiting Lamkin at his house? (also revealed during the council meeting – newly found “Buds”)?

    And don’t be surprised when they use the excuse that those who haven’t voiced an opinion are in agreement with the city’s position. That’s always convenient to interpret or “spin” as they so desire in order to justify the outcome which most likely was decided from the get-go.

  13. Robert O says:

    So Robert O’Donnell since you attended the “focus” group, what’s your take on this proposal?

  14. Robert O'Donnell says:

    First, the focus groups were not much different than the general meeting, same material presented, just a smaller group to get more individual responses. I had considered going to the larger group also but when told the same material was to be presented, it seemed like no reason to do so and allow the space for others.
    The way I see and hear it, this council will most likely force us to use just one provider, no matter what the volume of dissent, I just hope if it does happen that a ballot item be generated to reverse it and I would vote to reverse it.
    The phone survey questions were set up in such a way as to give a positive spin on the results so that it will sound like the citizens are for the proposal. I tried to answer those questions, most of which just focused on recycling, in such a way as to indicate I was not for having just one provider but I suspect when the results are reported, they will say most responders are for a city wide recycling program which will need city directed trash collection. During the focus group the consultant seemed surprise that I was against the program even if it meant I would pay less for the service. My concern is I know many are pooling trash service or do not use one at all and thus they will have a significant increase in costs and for that reason I was not for a system that would personally save me money.
    The reason the city claims they need everyone on the collection system to make it worth while is because of their cost of billing, if it is optional then billing is trickier because there needs to be exclusions and thus take more time to bill and less money coming in unless they charge each household more for billing, brining it closer or as much as company billing.
    The city, and especially John Martinez, claims there are too many garbage trucks destroying our streets. To a point I agree, but still think we can get a 33% reduction by allowing just two options per area of the city. However, if we get separate recycling pickup, then 5 trucks currently running the streets (2 companies using two trucks each for trash and recycle and one using just 1), then we would with the city system still have 2 trucks (a 60% reduction) versus maybe 4 trucks (or 3 if Patriot gets an area of the city), a reduction of 20%.
    What about mail delivery, is that next? Would they allow just UPS, or just FedEx to service us so we can get a 50% reduction in those trucks? Does it mean we will need to reduce the number of grocery stores so that their big trucks don’t wear down 89A.
    The city says they are for the equal opportunity for all, I guess they mean an equal opportunity to bid and then leave the area if they are not the winning bidder for service and then if the remaining company does not perform there will be no one else around to bid, especially if they do not service at least Cottonwood.
    Am I giving up hope on this? Not completely. I will still express my concerns about issues as they arise but the council seems to be focused on deciding for us what is best because the public is ‘ignorant’.

  15. Eddie S. Maddock says:

    In a recent letter to the editor of the Red Rock News, Sedona resident Ernie Strauch explained the origin of the suggested city garbage hauling control surfaced from the former Sedona Sustainability Commission. Offered here from Sedona Eye archives is an article pertaining to where it all began.


    “Sedona AZ (December 16, 2010) – The Sedona City Council believes that sustainability is an issue of great importance to the City and recently appointed Brent Bitz, Jeff Heidt, Sarah Irani, Meghan Kincheloe, Marlene Rayner, Charlie Schudson, Ernie Strauch, Kristopher Spector and William Welter to the newly formed Sustainability Commission. The new Commissioners represent a diverse cross-representation of the community, bringing various degrees of experience, knowledge, perspectives and talent to the table.”

    Do any of the names sound familiar? How many were and are still Sedona registered voters? Is it fair for those who will not be directly affected by a change in garbage hauling policy to be giving the Sedona City Council direction? After all, they will NOT be subjected to the resulting monthly charges.

    There has been some criticism about signatures appearing on a local petition being circulated, whether or not they are of citizens within City Limits. Have those attending Focus and/or Citizen Engagement Groups been geographically screened? If not, why? Why does this City Council discriminate in acknowledging the limitation of their jurisdiction and insist on expanding it to cover Greater Sedona or the entire Verde Valley under circumstances of their choosing? Isn’t that using legitimate voting residents as pawns, especially when cost-sharing is rarely if ever a consideration?

  16. Robert O says:

    Mr. O’Donnell

    Thank you for your insight. One more question if you don’t mind;

    What do you mean when you say “The way I see and hear it” Since you seem to be someone “in the know” what have you seen or heard that allows you to say that? Your opinion has me very concerned because I’m on a very fix income.

  17. Susan L. says:

    Wasn’t it also Ernie Strauch that sat alongside Tom O’Halleran to push for a National Monument Designation before the City Council? When Sandy M. refused to take a vote because Angela L. wasn’t in attendance? (Then Sandy M. votes in Tom Lamkin to replace LeFevre with only 5 council members present?)

    That E. Strauch is a busy man all right – all over the place. What WOULD we do without him?

  18. Robert O'Donnell says:

    I have attended many meetings of the council, watched many more, and attended some Los Angeles area council meeting and they all seem to have the same script. The councils appear to have an interest in the public’s view but in reality rarely is their point of view changed, in fact their minds appear to normally be made up prior to the public comment. Once public comment is over, they say just a few words, or in this council’s actions, many words but then go directly to a vote and that vote rarely reflects what has been said. I would really like to see more debate like discussion with a chance for a change of position than an act to appease the audience but when the vote is made, they vote the way they feel and not the people. Look back at what happened with the 89A ownership issue, they voted one way then the people voted the opposite.
    Lampkin and Martinez are strongly for city controlled garbage and no matter how many speak out, they will not change, the other 5 I only suspect are strongly supportive since I have not heard as many comments from them. Lampkin’s interview comments show a direct alignment with the council in order for him to become one of the gang of 7. I expect when the vote is taken, whenever that might be, it will be either 7-0 or 6-1 in favor,
    People like you is who I am concerned about, you might be one sharing a pickup with a neighbor or relative and passing this will increase your monthly expenses 15 to 20 bucks a month, not a lot to some, but still on a fixed income something you don’t need.

  19. John says:

    The basic premise is incorrect that garbage trucks ruin roads. Begin there.

    Highway Engineer

  20. Robert O says:

    Robert O’Donnell Thank you. It seems like you may have been in elected office before since you seem to know what to look for. I can’t afford much but wouldn’t mind seeing some help for Sedona Recycles I’m pretty proud that we have such an innovative place right here in town.

  21. JeanJ says:

    The City’s State Schedule G’s (Full-Time Employees and Personnel Compensation) for Fiscal Years 2015 and 2016 contain bad news about our big-spending, big-city government.

    Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 2016: 125 employees
    Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 2015: 120 employees

    Total Estimated Personnel Compensation 2016: $10,387,843
    Total Estimated Personnel Compensation 2015: $ 9,605,326

    According to Karen Daines’ April 22, 2015 MEMO to Mayor Moriarty & City Council “the four positions [not 5] included in the 2015-16 budget include:

    Assistant Engineer
    Associate Engineer – Capital Project Manager
    Communication Specialist – Dispatch 1
    Assistant Planner – Focus on Community Focus Areas, Land Development Code update, and implementation of the Community Plan”

    In addition, two new Traffic Aide positions were filled during FY 2016.

    As most are aware, development and density are increasing at a time when our streets are in terrible condition and clogged with day-trippers galore due to the efforts of the regional Chamber of Commerce. Not to mention that today many neighborhood streets are overrun by ATVs and jeeps.

    A current priority of the Mayor and City Council–slum lords?–is “Long-Term Revenue Options.” Sedona is under siege.

  22. @ Robert O says:

    No need to have the city PAY for Sedona Recycles. Sedona Recycles has many supporters. Many give them money and many are volunteers. They donate money and time to Sedona Recycling.

    The city needs to look at other ways to make money. For example stop paying every non profit.

  23. No Names Please says:

    We are writing this at a request of a resident we’ve befriended throughout the 30 years of our timeshare visits to Sedona Summit from our home in Maine. We had disclosed at a dinner last night our intention to not return to Sedona again and the reasons why. The husband was adamant that we leave a comment here after he brought up this site and the comments.

    Our reason for not returning to Sedona is singular. Poor development.

  24. @Jean J says:

    “A current priority of the Mayor and City Council–slum lords?–is “Long-Term Revenue Options.” Sedona is under siege.”

    You said a mouthful there, Jean J. One new source of revenue is opening the door to monthly billing for garbage pick-up. 5000 forced subscribers to open-ended charges for unknown costs.
    The sky’s the limit. Watch out. It’s another well-orchestrated scam.

  25. @No Names Please says:

    Correct you are. Lousy planning and development – DUH! The problem is the arrogant heads in charge just don’t get it.

    Being out today was insane and will be at least throughout the next couple of weeks. Be grateful you don’t live here and have the option to not return to Sedona.

    Worse yet is the stupidity displayed by funding the operation of a chamber of commerce, without an official audit, with $1.5 million to bring in even MORE day trippers. And the new guy just appointed to council says the problem isn’t with traffic it’s parking. How can anyone be so utterly clueless? And their biggest concern is resident’s option to select service from three garbage hauling companies?

    Go figure.

  26. Ron Maassen says:

    @ John: Highway Engineer

    John; I am an old, long retired Civil Engineer with some years experience in roadway design and maintenance.

    You are absolutely correct in stating that the the garbage trucks have little or nothing to do with pavement failure.

    In my opinion the cause of failure is in lack of maintenance. If prolonging the pavement life is a real concern for Council they should pick the low hanging fruit. They are: 1. Seal the cracks to prevent water infiltration which in turn causes subgrade pliability and freeze/thaw action. 2. Perform edge maintenance; i.e. protect the pavement edge by regular regraveling to prevent pavement edge raveling.

    Both are much less expensive the rebuilding the roadway.

    If you wish to observe the difference between a somewhat professional maintenance program and the absence of a program, simply look at the condition where the Yavapai County roadways meet the City’s on either Red Rock Loop Road or Dry Creek Road.

    OUR tax dollars would be better spent on maintaining our infrastructure than on funding the CoC to attract more traffic to Sedona.

  27. @ Jean J says:

    Hay Jean

    You have so much to say and think that you know everything and yet you refuse to run for city council? Really??

  28. Jess Lookin says:

    Everyone wants a job with the city of Sedona, Average pay $83,102

    Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 2016: 125 employees
    Total Estimated Personnel Compensation 2016: $10,387,843

    You work 4 days a week, two weeks vacation and two weeks paid leave the FIRST year, One MONTH off total.

    We Sedona taxpayers are just so generous. I guess you have to be when it is such a ugly place to work.

    Since the city employees already work so little, I propose we give them more time off.

    Lets just END the “City” of Sedona.

    We would stop funding the Chamber of Commerce, not have our choice of trash taken over by the city and reduce traffic by 125 city employees.

    Who agrees with me?

  29. Whistle Tooter says:


    If you scroll past all the “supposed-eds” and get to the summary, you’ll find the study that is quoted by people in staff & council is bogus & full of loop holes & scientifically inaccurate. But gotta loathe this council, not smart but can be bought and influenced cheap.

  30. John DB says:

    As a former developer of projects in Sacramento, Walnut Creek, CA, and Phoenix, AZ, I agree with Ron Maasen that proper maintenance of roads is of prime importance to the extended life. To place blame on garbage trucks is absurd. The city manager recently did bring up the need for sustained funding for infrastructure which most likely fell on deaf ears. Wasteful spending such as has been mentioned time and time again in other comments takes top priority. And that’s just the way it is.

    As for city employees, to a degree I must disagree with @Jess Lookin because in my opinion they earn whatever they are being paid just by virtue of their missions to serve such incompetent “bosses” as the seven giving them instructions. It takes certain stamina to fulfill stupid assignments and justify wasteful expenditures as Sedona city employees are required over and over to do. The present argument to justify city-controlled trash pick-up is the latest example followed, of course, by funding for Red Earth Theatre and other special interests that should not be at the top of the priority list.

    When the city loses competent staff after short-term employment it serves, again IMO, as an indication that some people still do have scruples when they leave top-paying jobs because obviously they will not lower their standards to the sleaze required to complete their assignments. Enough said.

  31. West sedona resident says:

    @jess lookin

    JuliannaSpoken like one who got fired from the same organization she is n
    Now complaining about…Too funnyI guess you don’t play well with others

  32. Tim Z says:

    As a retired public works supervisor for a large Northeast city…

    The so called road experts are just flat wrong and I suspect are fictitious….
    Heavy loads, such as garbage trucks play a major role in degregation of paved roadways… Most certainly in a hot climate like Arizona….

  33. SUGGESTION says:

    How about everyone requests “back-door” service since we will all be charged for those already receiving it? After all, the last thing we need in beautiful Sedona is discriminatory policies? Right?

  34. Tonyt says:

    @ John DB

    So well put.

    The City of Sedona delayed our road maintenance for so long our association opted to pay for our own crack seal. A few years later when our roads needed further repair we contacted the City, who had previously accepted responsibility for our roads. The city initially denied it was their responsibility. When pressed, the city accepted responsibility. But would not give any date when work would be done. We were told it is not in the current plan.

    So, the city may get to our association roads, someday.

    But how did you like the city supported Sedona Film Fest, Sedona Marathon, your very high cost monthly sewer fee and all the day trippers provided by the Millions the city gives to the Chamber of Commerce?

    Yavapai County does a much better job of road maintenance, and you don’t need a city of Sedona for that.

  35. J. Thurman says:

    EDUCATION – Facts You Should Know About Asphalt

    A good asphalt pavement will not last forever; external factors destroy the asphalt oil that binds it all together. Slowly at first, quickly as time goes on.
    As soon as the freshly laid hot asphalt pavement mix begins to cool, so also begins the aging process which will eventually rob the pavement of its life. When oxygen and water, which constantly bathe the pavement, start to combine with the asphaltic binder of the pavement, a chemical change takes place. At first, this process is necessary for the pavement to become hard and firm. Later, if this process is not arrested, a complete deterioration of the asphaltic binder will take place and reduce the pavement to a layer of loose stone. The asphalt binder is essentially what differentiates a gravel road from a paved road.

    The destruction rate of an asphalt pavement varies:

    Heat & Sunlight will accelerate the deterioration process; salt will act as a catalyst. Water which penetrates the surface can get into the base course to cause trouble, and at the same time start oxidizing the asphaltic binder inside the pavement. A more dense mix will not oxidize as rapidly as a coarse, open pavement. A thicker lift of pavement will keep its life longer than a thin one.

    Automobile & truck traffic create the danger of gasoline and oil spillage, which will soften the asphalt and lead to its breakup.

    Our cold climate enhances the danger of water being caught in the pavement and freezing. This can break individual pieces of aggregate apart, or it can break out large sections.

    Sealcoating the asphalt pavement with Micro Pave 2000, a slurry sealcoat that has been scientifically developed by Lambert Bros. Paving in the laboratory to address western Canada’s climatic conditions, can protect the pavement against all these destructive factors.

    Lambert Bros. Paving can inspect, evaluate and give a free estimate when you call (403) 287-3252, so call today.

    Asphalt pavements such as driveways and parking lots are continually being constructed but unfortunately are not lasting as long as they used to. Many of us remember pavements lasting 15, 20 years or more with little to no maintenance.

    This is not the case anymore. Like many things, asphalt too was made better in the past. The day your asphalt pavement was installed, it began to deteriorate. Just now it happens faster. Just watch the colour fade from rich black to oxidized grey in no time. There are two reasons for this drastic decline in an asphalt lifecycle.

    1) Asphalt

    Asphalt is not what it used to be. Due to technological advances in the refining process more and more of the high value resins and oils have been extracted.

    These resins and oils have a much higher dollar value alone than in asphalt. They can be used in hundreds of products from plastics and synthetic rubbers to perfumes and cosmetics. The asphalt in our roads and parking lots is merely the glue that holds the rocks together. The more they refine from asphalt, the poorer the glue, the poorer the pavement.

    We are continuously rebuilding and repairing our roads, parking lots and driveways with asphalt of lower quality, which continues to increase in price.

    2) Oxidation

    Since the asphalt binder is not of the quality that it was in the past, given this loss of resins, the asphalt is more susceptible to oxidation from the weather, thus accelerating the deterioration process. Oxidation happens when oxygen, in the air and water, chemically attacks the asphalt binder causing it to break down.

    Ultra-violet rays from the sun cause further breakdowns of asphalt making it brittle. Calgary Canada’s freeze-thaw cycles literally tear asphalt pavements apart from the inside out. A more dense mix of asphalt, and asphalt that has been properly compacted, will not oxidize as rapidly as a coarse, open pavement. A thicker lift of pavement will hold up longer than a thinner one.

    Preventive Maintenance Planning is the solution or counter balance to keeping your asphalt up to speed for longer. Neglect your asphalt and it quickly becomes unserviceable and we will not go into what kind of an image that projects. Suffice to say that repairs at that point can be extensive. And expensive.

    It is much more economical to maintain a pavement properly than to be faced with what is inevitable with neglect. This is true with most things: your health, your car, relationships, your home, etc.

    Thank you Lambert Bros for this informative website of info. And to the others saying garbage trucks tear up roads, think again. You don’t have the volume necessary with garbage trucks to make a haircut of a difference. Your extreme weather, lack of continual maintenance of superior quality, heavy rains that bring extensive flooding are the culprits. You can’t blame garbage trucks but you can blame your city councils and government for poor foresight and support for infrastructure.

    Ask your city manager. He will tell you.

  36. Cliff says:

    “Traffic-related Air Pollution near Busy Roads”. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Vol 170. pp. 520-526. 2004.

    The long lines of SLOW IDLING Sedona traffic generated by those claiming to put it there will ruin our Sedona air quality and our Sedona scenery.

    Poor development Mainelanders is right. The Marriott is case in point; the Biddle’s tear down and replacement with timeshares is another. The city council learned nothing in the 2000 meltdown or the 2008 meltdown. Raven Heart is closed and a Whole Foods has taken over competition with Safeway and Bashas; Natural Grocers will close soon, another building boondoggle. Walgreen’s will likely close, another building boondoggle. Infill should be the quality that wasn’t there before and should only be local businesses. That saved our town before not having national franchises but within last few years, we’ll see those jobs disappear in the soon to arrive downturn.

    Election over and boom – the Democrats policies of pay later comes due. Sorry kids. Your parents are selfish do-nothings in their retirements except spend your future away.

  37. Maricopa County Traffic Guy says:

    We’ve always laughed at the light between the ears of the Wooo Hooos. Hey town council people fess up you want the dollars from garbage hauling & stop using bogus lies to justify your idiocy. Dept of Trans has a guide. You can’t use garbage trucks tearing up roads. Doesn’t fly. Doesn’t stick. Tractor trailers, thousands of cars OK. But a few garbage trucks nada. We’re laughing in Phoenix & Prescott. Beam them up. Please.


  38. IMPRESSIVE! says:

    Wowie – this site is more fun than any other entertainment promoted by the chamber of commerce or other city sponsored events. The knowledge about road maintenance is profound.

    And even though subdivisions whether or not dedicated public roads or private, certainly do not have the traffic involved as on both State Highways – SR179 & 89A- west & north.

    However ADOT does manage to keep those major arteries in decent condition regardless of the number of garbage trucks, delivery trucks, semis, RV’s, jeeps, travel trailers, construction trucks – over and above the millions of cars clogging the routes day after day after day ad infinitum. Does anyone out there disagree?

    But of course our inefficient city leaders cannot fathom that it’s their responsibility to maintain conditions beneficial to the health, safety and welfare of the public in general. Under that catchy little phrase included (or should be) is safe roads. And eliminating two garbage hauling businesses will not make that happen.

    Not only does Yavapai County do a better job at providing and maintaining roads but that goes for Coconino County as well. Prior to incorporation dedicated county roads were always maintained in tip-top shape – no ifs, ands or buts.

    These very ignorant people now dictating we must do away with a choice of garbage collection agency because of the damage to the roads? Well – that might hold water if we didn’t have these other outrageous conditions. But isn’t the real deal being forced on us here nothing more than another neat and tidy “service contract” in motion with Sedona Recycles?

    Sorry you fools but your underlying motive is one of the few transparent things happening at city hall today. And unfortunately I’ll NOT be renewing my membership with Sedona Recycles if they have actually stooped so low as to be a party to this latest Sedona disgrace.

  39. Steve segner says:

    Ok cliff tell us how to do just that, state zoning laws do not allow the city to pick and choose what retailers come to town. Cliff you are saying land owners can only rent or sell to locals, how does that work easy to make statements that sound good over a beer talking with your friends but reality is we live in a free nation,

  40. @Maricopa County Traffic Guy says:

    Your assessment and comment is right on. In a word, BRILLIANT! Yoo Hoo Woo Hoos – read it and weep:-)

  41. Ron Maassen says:

    Hey, this is turning into a pavement maintenance website with multiple opinions confirming the fact that weight of a garbage truck has little, if anything, to do with pavement deterioration in Sedona.

    There are other impacts that account for the deterioration experienced on City streets. Everything from poor initial design to the lack of an aggressive maintenance program.

    My hope is that our City Councilors avail themselves of the information available here and render a decision that is based on Engineering facts and not the tag-a-long story that was an addition to the Sustainabilty Commission’s desire to increase recycling rates. One truck per week vs three per week is inconsequential as the total vehicle weight. One need look at either wheel or axle loading versus total weight.

    Sedona Recycles is a fantastic asset and an efficient operation. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.

  42. Special City Council Meeting says:

    Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 3:00 p.m.

    Discussion/possible direction regarding the feasibility of changing from the
    existing open system of providing residential trash and recycling services to a system by which the City contracts directly with a private hauler(s) to provide a Citywide, City-managed residential trash and recycling program.

    Since the Mayor and Council refuse to admit they read the SedonaEye, it’s important for us to attend this meeting and express our comments so they hear us.

  43. Sam the Man says:

    @Ton Maassen:

    Thank you. We should be so fortunate if city leaders would heed your words.


  44. Eddie S. Maddock says:

    It’s interesting. The “public notice” appearing in the Red Rock News Friday, March 18, 2016, identifies the 3:00 PM event to be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall, on Wednesday, March 23, as a “Special Meeting.”

    However the e-mail sent on March 9 to a selected list identified that assembly as being a “City Council Work Session.”

    So, which is it?

  45. West Sedona Resident says:


    Oh God Eddie…..sounds like deception and possibly a conscripacy….
    Thank you so much for uncovering this deception….

    Like Little Rickey(JRN) said: Angela From city council is trying to take our guns away….Those sons of a (deleted by editor) are are manipulating us…..oh Thank God ESM for uncovering this:
    Ad naseum:::

  46. @West Sedona Resident says:

    Oh my – did someone push the wrong button or did you get up on the wrong side of the bed – AGAIN?

    You already know the “slippery seven” intends to approve the garbage franchise because “they” know what’s best. RIGHT! Same mentality that you, Madam, so angrily and openly convey.

    Deception? “They” aren’t that clever. Open and boring books is what they are but at a cost to the residents who will be paying, paying, paying. Look at the monthly sewer rates, egghead WSR sprinkled with twinkles. The most transparent thing about this is their attempt at being deceptive. Amateurs.

  47. West Sedona Resident says:

    I did. I need a reality check up.

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